You should be able to set up a profile script based on the response tokens within the Target response:
Once you get your initial Target response, read the tokens for activity id/experience id and fire off another ...
Is this using the form based editor or VEC?
VEC and global mbox names are meant to return many different things while form based (unique mbox) should only return one thing. The priority field should limit responses to 1 with a unique mbox name, however, it will only order the responses array for V...
Are you running both of these Activities on your global mbox/location? If so, the global location is configured to return ALL activities that you qualify for and order the return array in accordance with the priority levels. You will have to build custom handling for the "apply" portion of global lo...
I agree that its confusing and it hinges on the word 'collisions'. If that word was 'effort', then it would be the easy choice. I also agree that #3 is a bit confusing ... a lot of time ... for who? The machine, sure. The person, no.
It sounds like you need to go through the Administration Panel and set up Environments / Hosts. By default, all hosts will qualify for the production environment unless you go in and configure them for an alternate environment. So in your example, I would set up stage for Development and then it sho...
You need to return true or false to the profile script in order for a value to be written to that key ...
... return true
The setLocal variables are used for temp storage of values to be assessed.
Hey @RitendraS11
Could you elaborate on the problem you are running into a bit more? It is not clear if this is an Adobe Target issue or a general js/cookie issue with OneTrust.