Would give this a read - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/activities/experience-targeting/create-targeting/xt-switching-experiences.html?lang=en
So this is doable ... its not much fun though. https://developers.adobetarget.com/api/#admin-apis You essentially need to fetch all activities. Then all the activity info. Then all the audience ids in said activity. Then fetch each audience id. I manage to do with with a few mysql tables. After the ...
I believe it is done at the mbox level: "mboxes":[{"name":"asldkfjlaksdjflksjfd-pos-1","index":1,"parameters": {"bucket": "d","asdfas": "83833","erdaf": "eradf"}}]
If you are comfortable with little bit of client-side javascript and firing off a custom mbox name, you could wire up all of your HTML event clicks to the same mbox name and then set up your Conversion metric to be "Viewed an mbox" instead of clicked an element. The implementation would depend on wh...
I think a bit more information would be needed to help solve your problem. Your activity location field should be some key that you come up. They were formerly known as mbox names. I haven't seen any implementation with the location name being the url string. I would rely on the entry audience for l...
I agree with @kchaitanya below. Seems like you have no new visitors or the report data was reset and you lost the initial visitors. You should be able to configure the reporting mechanism to activity impressions. Should be a good indication that you activity is receiving traffic.
What you are using should work. I would perhaps verify that the value is set correctly. You should be able to inspect the omtrdc network call in the network panel and look for context/address/referringUrl for the Previous page value.