I am qualified into 2 activities for the same piece of content.
Activity 1 audience is a CDP audience that I know I've qualified into because I can see it in AEP. That is the higher priority activity so I have set that at 900.
Activity 2 is basically the catch-all default activity to target those that didn't qualify into the CDP audience. It is targeting All Visitors and the priority is set to 5.
Both of these activities are A/B, but they only have 1 experience each. There are reasons why it is set up this way as opposed to just using XT.
When I test this with my profile, Activity 2 (All Visitors, priority 5) is displayed to me, not Activity 1 (CDP audience, priority 900). Why?
To further test Activity 1, I temporarily turned off Activity 2 and I did see the content for Activity 1. When I re-activated Activity 2, I saw the Activity 2 content again.
I thought the priority value was supposed to kick in for a scenario like this. Please advice. Thanks.
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Hi @JonathanBa1
The prioritization functions in the following way. Target returns the content for all activities on the page, beginning with the lowest-priority content, which is then overwritten by each activity, from lowest to highest priority. Usually, this results in the highest-priority content being displayed.
If the highest priority isn’t shown, this could be caused by the lowest activity modifying the elements in the page that the highest activity is using and therefore not being able to be applied.
Not sure whether this could be the case here?!
Kind regards,
Thanks for the reply. That makes sense, but that is not the case here. The content is just JSON offers that are overwriting image and copy attributes. It does not change any element that would cause the higher priority activity from being applied.
Is this using the form based editor or VEC?
VEC and global mbox names are meant to return many different things while form based (unique mbox) should only return one thing. The priority field should limit responses to 1 with a unique mbox name, however, it will only order the responses array for VEC/global.