Hi ,
Do we know why the server call or the pageview of analytics is equal server call for Target, even if we are not installing or using tagret at all.
the issue is our analytic server calls are in contorl, But the target server calls are already overage, because when i asked the Adobe team, they say that page view of Adobe Analytics is equal to target page views.
Appreciate all the help
just to get it, you say you are not using Target. But it sounds like you are having it licensed and configured in the datastream, correct?
Typically it's the other way around that people are seeing Analytics page views fired when Target is loaded on the page.
I would check your Analytics request payload for anything that looks like Target related information e.g., "data.__adobe.target".
Also, you can leverage Guided Events in your Web SDK sendEvent action which should make sure that the call ends up in Analytics only
Like Björn it isn't fully clear to me what you're asking. Are you saying that you have overusage on Target and that the license is set to equal Analytics page views calls?
Typically the license for Target is set to have as many 'server calls' as you would see page views in Analytics. Simply because the Adobe recommends that Target is implemented on every page of your site. Since it is a global mbox, the number of server calls would then match your Analytics page views.
Sometimes you would have lower, because during negotiations with Adobe you may state that there are sections of the site you don't plan to use Target or it would be higher because you, besides using Target on your website, also would like to use it in a mobile app.
I'm not sure this answers your questions, but hopefully it added some clarity.
Hi @manojs57813206 ,
In Adobe Analytics, "server call usage" refers to the number of requests sent to the analytics server to track user interactions on a website, essentially acting as a unit of measurement for how much data is being collected, while in Adobe Target, a server call is made each time a visitor's page is loaded to determine which personalized content to deliver, with both systems allowing users to monitor their usage against their contractual limits to avoid overage charges; essentially, it's a way to track how much data is being sent to Adobe's servers for analysis and personalization.