I am tryin to connect to Maria DB and even after using this format (Server={HOST};Port={PORT};Database={DATABASE};UID={USERNAME};PWD={PASSWORD}) for my connection string, I am getting error that my connection is not valid. However, I am able to connect to this MariaDB connection using Dbeaver succes...
Hi David, thank you for your response. I have Magento data exported to MariaDB and I am trying to connect MariaDB to AEP. If I do so, can I use the table data in the journeys/campaigns?
Hi, I have a few tables in Magento cloud and I want to ingest a table data into AEP. I basically want to ingest a column that I want to use in my journeys and campaigns as a condition to check for value. Is it possible to do that? Can I ingest data from this table and use it in AJO? If yes, how?
Hi,I am working on a use case where events related to Add/remove from cart could be send even when the user is not logged in into the website. Will there be any problem if we receive events from anonymous users? We would anyway be checking marketing consent before sending out communication. Is there...
Hi, I have a UAT Sandbox for AEP and AJO. How do I make sure that I do not send out communication to profiles after activating a journey in UAT environment?Basically I want to understand how UAT and PROD environments are distinguished in AEP and AJO. Please also share link to any documentation if i...
I have an additional question. How do I know if a specific link has been clicked by the user in an email containing multiple links. How would I filter the audience that has clicked that specific link?
Hi, Thank you for your response. What if the profile hits the CTA but makes a purchase directly from the website without using my CTA within those x days? How can I make sure the purchase was made using my CTA only. Thank you,
Hi, I am using AJO, and I am triggering an email to some profiles. The email has a CTA and if someone clicks on the CTA and does not make a purchase, I want to send them a follow-up email after x days. Can someone help me design this journey?