Wow Then I completely misunderstood your question sorry. So you'll want to check if you have files, then create a single project where all the source files go.
@DeepakCh3 Contributor license has a cost. Per Adobe only External is no-cost Talk to your Adobe Account Manager to get the details.
Hi Eric,Then it would look like this: Note the API is limited to traversing 4 levels, so you can only go to parent:parent:parent:parent:name - in other words up to 5 levels of folders
Hi @Eric_D_Miller Take a look, here's how I would approach this. You get a list of all docs in the projects you're interested in, and then down-/upload each.
Not sure what I was smoking. On a parameter report, filter to displayType external, and you can get individual FieldDef attributes like so: valuefield=fieldDefinition:isQueryRequired