@pradeep_joshi20Does your site is having OneTrust cookie consent? have you done any changes in OneTrust that could causing a issue and deleting your cookie? rescan the site in OneTrust and do proper categorization it may solve the problem
@priyankagupta20Please confirm if userID is only a numbers? then you can add prefix logic add some character at starting of the userID or end of the userIDEX: 567890 ABC567890 or 567890ABC
@MartaSk1Have you tried with by adding pageview metrics and page name as dimension?I just tried and could able to see the exit counts as highlighted.Note: In flow chart it will show the top pages.
@bhuwaneshp19885 It is setting to Social Network because some of the videos Referring Root Domain could be YouTube.Can you check your Social Network channel processing rule once and remove the youtube.com Referring Root Domain.it could solve your problem.
@rmadrigalYou can check with your Adobe analytics admin who is managing report suite access.When Admin grant access to report suite then you will be able to access the Projects. Attached screenshot for more info.
Hi Folks, Can someone clarify will adobe capture visitor IP address when server call hit report suite? what kind of IP address will get capture by adobe is it static or public IP address?