Hi Folks,
Can someone clarify will adobe capture visitor IP address when server call hit report suite? what kind of IP address will get capture by adobe is it static or public IP address?
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Hi @Amruthesh_AG ,
Adobe Analytics does collect the public IP of the user but this information is only available in Data Warehouse and Data Feeds. Moreover, if you want to restrict the IP collection you have option to use IP Obfuscation feature available in Adobe Analytics.
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IP Obfuscation is also available with WebSDK implementations through datastream configuration.
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@Amruthesh_AG, building off the previous response, you can use IP address in workspace if you pass it into a prop/evar using processing rules. Same with user agent and a few other page related variables.
However, you might want to check with your company policies around privacy before capturing the IP address as a dimension. Part of the reason this is only available in the "deep" data is to ensure that the data must be specifically sought out by authorized individuals.
If you collect the IP address via processing rules, I don't know if this happens before or after obfuscation.. so if it becomes a legal issue to hide the IP address vis these settings, and you happen to be collecting it un-obfuscated into a dimension then you could be liable for not adhering to your company's legal compliance...
@Jennifer_Dungan The documentation is a bit inconsistent. According to the visual provided on the page, it shows IP obfuscation happening before the processing rules.
Yet in the description on the page, it says: "If your organization has opted to obfuscate IP addresses in raw data, it is done after all other processing functions have completed."
@Amruthesh_AG it might be worth reaching out to client care and asking them which order it happens in, since the documentation contradicts itself.
Processing order for data in Adobe Analytics | Adobe Analytics
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