I am performing checks on webpages that I manage to ensure that we have eVars and events firing to capture visit data. I have been recommended to use a number of different web add-ons but they all have no proved fruitful. Is there any advise on which tools I can use to better track eVars and events on webpages?
Thank you all!
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I am not sure what tools you have tried.... I tend to stick with Adobe's official "Adobe Experience Platform Debugger", and "Omnibug"
I will also use the direct method of testing using my network panel and checking the call parameters directly.
Maybe you could let us know what tools you tried and what issues you had with them... maybe we can offer suggestions to make them work better for you, or confirm that they aren't good..
Same as @Jennifer_Dungan , I use (in order of frequency)
I have been using direct method under console to check the pixels and please make sure to have preserve log option check while using this.
I would definitely recommend Omnibug. The way it organizes the eVars and other dimensions is the best IMO. It also gives great clarity on page views (s.t calls) vs click events (s.tl calls). I use it hourly for years
@ConnorSm1 have you tried with observepoint?, using this tool you can run a QA audit on Implemented tags and validate the data collection.
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I have downloaded all of the recommended tools and none are displaying evars or events from my Adobe environment. I wonder if there is anything else that could be blocking this? This is a strange instance...
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Hi Connor,
By any chance are you using WebSDK and XDM Streams?
If so, you won't see the props, evars or events directly... You will only see the Edge Network calls that are mapped on the server into your eVars and events....
While the Adobe Platform Debugger has an option that if you are logged in, you should be able to see "Post Processed" data, I am not sure about WebSDK, but it's been broken for over a year for AppMeasurement implementations...
I'm getting that information now but I believe we do. I do not see the "Post Processed" data you are referring to...
Ok, so if you are on WebSDK, you will have to look in WebSDK tab of the Platform Debugger:
And then you will have to look into the Post Body JSON.
If you are all in XDM Formatting, then you won't see anything specifically "eVar" or "events"... if you are using the Analytics Custom Data Model, and passing Analytics data via the XDM Stream, then you should be able to see that information in the JSON.
I don't have WebSDK to get you an example...
Here is Experience League forum:
Not on SDK. The analytics seem to fire when I am in a PLT environment...
Hmm.. would you be willing to share a URL with me (via private message so that it's not here in the public thread)?
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