Hello Team, I'm currently working on integrating Adobe I/O app builder to migrate asset migration between AEM cloud sites instances and AEM dam instance, ensuring the transfer includes metadata, smartcrop, and asset binary properties. I've successfully created a new project using the app builder int...
Hi all, I am attempting to add a dropdown field in a folder metadata schema .The goal is to include a dropdown field that is visible only in the folder properties, but not with the assets contained within. Despite this, the value selected from the dropdown in the folders should be applicable to the ...
Hi @Manojkp_1212 ,We are checking for the possibilities from AEM to google cloud console. please let me know the steps to achieve the scenario. Thanks in advance Regards,Bhavani Bharanidharan
Hi all,I am currently exploring the potential for bulk importing assets from the Google Cloud Console to the AEM DAM. I have successfully established a connection following the documentation provided here https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/assets/asse...
Hi @manpreetk908 ,I want to disable the download button for one folder. Show the download button if the user is an admin. Else hide the option to download.How to achieve this in ACL? Thanks,Bhavani Bharanidharan
Hi @MayurSatav ,I m still facing the issue. if anyone knows how to invalidate login-token on the server side once the logout button is clicked. I tried session.invalidate() in my logout servlet, but this didn't helped. Ragards,Bhavani Bharanidharan
Hello @smacdonald2008 ,I want to update the thumbnail for the expired assets.All my expired assets are in one folder. Running an scheduler to check the expiry date and moving that to archive folder.I just want to apply watermark to the images. As applying watermark is creating a new rendition, looki...
Hello @berkayf70599426,Can you please let me know how you added the secure flag for the affinity cookie. I need to add the secure flag and the same site attributes for the affinity cookie for my website.Thanks in advance.Regards,Bhavani Bharanidharan
Hi @Jineet_Vora ,Thanks for your response first. I can able to see the logout url by debugging the code.but can you please specify what the handleLogout means here? Regards,Bhavani Bharanidharan
Hi All,We are facing an issue with the login-token, where the old or previous login-token are working for the new login on the same day.1.Log in as testuser@gmail.com.2. Take note of the login-token session cookie.3. Log out.4.Logged in again and changed the login-token with the old token which i go...