Built in functionality allows to send it by email, but what if we need to export it to some other web service?Are there any other options available to get report content and upload it somewhere else? Can it be done with the help of Fusion?
That you, Kelly, that's what I was afraid of. We have a couple of pretty large scenarios, but they were fine until now.It looks like the refactoring is coming our way.
Hi everyone, I'm trying to save the changes I made to one of our scenarios, but I get this error: "Bad Request: request entity too large"Does anyone know what might be causing such error and what are the ways to fix it?I'd appreciate any advice Thank you!
@KristenS_WF That's awesome! You've got it! I was able to replicate it and then extract it into variables that I can use in my scenario! Thank you so much for your help!!
Hello everyone, One of our scenarios is updating task assignments depending on the user role. Everything is working fine if it's a Primary Role, but if the user has needed role as Other Role, the scenario does not see it. It sees only the Primary Role.For example, the user has Primary Role as Manage...