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"Bad Request: request entity too large" error while saving the scenario


Level 4

Hi everyone,


I'm trying to save the changes I made to one of our scenarios, but I get this error: "Bad Request: request entity too large"

Does anyone know what might be causing such error and what are the ways to fix it?

I'd appreciate any advice


Thank you!


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2 Replies


Level 3

This usually means that your scenario blueprint is over 5mb.
You can check the size by exporting your blueprint and checking the file size.

We've overcome this by 2 techniques.

1. Keeping usage of WF Search modules to a minimum.  In our experience the WF Search module is the main culprit.  We use the Custom API module to do searches.

2. Link Scenarios to each other so the workflow is spread over 2 or 3 scenarios. 


Hope this helps.


Level 4

That you, Kelly, that's what I was afraid of. We have a couple of pretty large scenarios, but they were fine until now.

It looks like the refactoring is coming our way.