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Hello Ken,
the question is, what returned information you are expecting?
As you can see here, you get detailed information on an execution, if you are extending your API call with an execution ID.
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Hello Lars,
What I'm expecting is a valid execution id so that I can retrieve the execution details with /scenarios/{scenarioId}/logs/{executionId}. In the documentation example the execution id is a longer value ("id": "da518adcd14b4b64ac6358823ccb80ca"). If I grab the actual execution id from fusion the /scenarios/{scenarioId}/logs/{executionId} works fine. Wh I am getting is a shorter value ("executionId": "222222"). If I try to use the execution id that returned (/scenarios//123456/logs/222222) I get the following error
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Hi @Ken_Qrious
Looks like Adobe modified this part of the API and we're out of luck:
When I make the request to /api/v2/scenarios/123456/logs like you did - it only returns the last Save points of the scenario, no executions.
Looking at the front-end, I see that the actual call retrieving executions is
That call doesn't like the API tokens (denied) and when you paste in the Bearer Token from DevTools I get "Forbidden resource"
So it seems the walled that off. Go ahead and enter a ticket. I'm doing the same.
Hello @Sven-iX @Ken_Qrious :: I am also facing the same issue. Just thought of checking if you guys got any fix for this problem. My jobs were running fine until last week and started breaking from today on due this problem
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Please raise a ticket and complain. Especially if you had jobs using this API call.
Appalling they just jank this.
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@Ken_Qrious @ArunNa3 @lgaertner
update from support
Unfortunately, our Fusion API is a part of our unsupported API. Which means while it can be used, it is not something that we will investigate or troubleshoot should it not behave as expected. There may have been updates or changes to this but based on my teams response, I am sorry to say there is not any workaround solution we can currently offer for this.
I would suggest putting this in a feature request to support our Fusion API or to enable this in some capacity, additionally you could also reach out to our Workfront/Fusion consultants and see if they have any custom solutions for this in place that they could share. I'm not finding anything on my end internally or on Experience League that will provide this solution today.
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Not a very helpful reply from support. Very frustrating.
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