Hello all,I'm relatively new to Fusion and I'm looking to create a scenario to automate our project naming with the project reference number, 2 digit year and the existing project name.Example: "123456-24 Project Name" Couple of speed bumps to consider.For existing projects: I would like this to upd...
So I think I was able to duplicate what you are seeing and adding that filter I initially mentioned (Task >> Number of Children - Equals - 0) removed the no value on my end. It's basically saying only show me the child tasks but it will still show the parent task due to the grouping.
Looks like we were typing a response at the same time. I tried replicating what you have (Project Name > Parent Name) but did not get the same results so I'm think there is something else you may have on your report. Can you provide a screenshot of your report settings perhaps?
Looking at this further I think I'm seeing what you are asking. I'm thinking now you do want the parent task and you are wanting to be rid of the "No Value" lines. Are the Project Name > Parent Name the only groupings on the report? Any filters?
Hi @camostafin,If I'm understanding the question, you are only wanting to see the child tasks, correct?You could remove the Parent name from the grouping and then add a filterTask >> Number of Children - Equals - 0
Hello all,I'm looking for a way to concatenate the project reference number with the 2 digit year from the planned start date and the project name.Ex. 12345-23 Project NameI'm sure it can be done with Fusion but I have not worked in it enough to feel comfortable. Additionally, I would need it to che...
Description - There should be a way to have project templates added based on selections in Custom Forms used in Request Queues.Why is this feature important to you - It would simplify or in some cases eliminate the need to select a project template upon converting, saving the extra step and therefor...
@ColleenKl It's not necessarily a copy and paste but you can bulk edit task assignments rather than copying entire tasks. This would be if you are using a project template with predefined task and just looking to assign users to them. Also, if you have roles assigned to the tasks and roles assigned ...
Welcome @BRIGHTOM ,This would be a good start.https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/workfront-learn/tutorials-workfront/home.html?lang=enThis community is also a great resource but I would also look in to some of the events and webinars put on by Adobe as well. A lot of good ideas get brought up i...
@NicoleFi Is your schedule mode set to Completion Date?I believe I was able to achieve what you were describing using it and setting the task constraint on your Monday Prior task to 'As Soon As Possible'. Changing the Planned Completion Date changes task 1, which in turn changes task 2 to the immedi...