Hi LB103 - The only thing I know of that doesn't copy over from the template to the project is the Updates tab, although that would present some difficulty in providing guidance to your project managers as a 'how to' guide. Have you considered using the Description field and then allowing them to ...
Currently we can add fields to the Home and Summary tab via the layout template, however, those fields are only visible to the person assigned to the object. In general when a customization is added to a layout template everyone with that layout template can see the customizations and I don't belie...
I agree, this should be a separate module of some kind where lessons learned can be logged. Unfortunately, using the Issue object as a workaround backfires when the PM tries to close the project as they remain open. My only suggestion to the user is to move all open lessons learned to its own projec...
Typeahead filters should be able to be applied at the form level. For example, if I create a project typeahead field for a team and filter it by their portfolios, I should be able to add that same field to a different form and apply a different filter. Otherwise, I have to create a new typeahead f...
Hi Jane, I like this idea. I'd like to suggest taking it a step further and allowing system admin's to create Warnings against all of the objects in the system. For example, we have users that will set their project to auto-complete and then attempt to change the status back to Execution, forgetti...
We would want the ability to indicate specific fields that the user will see when they are creating the project. If it happens to be an entire section, ok, but drilling down to the field level is ideal.
It would be ideal to take it one step further and be able to identify specific applications and what in them can be accessed via Fusion rather than generically allowing access to everything. The ability to specify what applications and turn off one's that we don't want to use would also be helpful.
When I share an object, whether it's a project, report, view, or otherwise, I'd like to be able to add a short comment for the recipient(s) of the share notification to provide additional details about what is being shared, where to find it, etc.
We have an existing implementation where teams use a Paragraph Text field to document task/ project updates. A calculated field then captures the date the paragraph text field was last updated. We hoped to improve our users experience by giving them the RTF field in place of the existing paragraph...
I like the idea and would suggest taking it a step further to allow the user to delegate specific types of responsibilities, i.e. approvals to one person, tasks to another, requests to another as the users role may span work items that can't always be covered by one other person.