Hi @VK35,
I have checked in 6.5.15 and I am able to see Workflow Models in both Classic and Touch UI.
Can you please check if all the bundles are active. Are you seeing any error in console or error.logs related to this?
Hi @mmasonWD ,
You can check below article
First place which I can think to check is the OOTB Translation Configs, where OOTB components are translated a...
Hi @sowhatdoido,
Please go through this article to understand how npm audit works - https://satejsawant.dev/blog/npm-audit-how-it-works
You need to have package.json and package-lock.json files to be present for npm audit to work. When you run npm install package-lock.json is automatically gener...
Hi @Ronnie09 ,
Try to use like below:
fieldLabel="Required Image"
Hi @bilal_ahmad ,
This is the standard approach, when you want to refer a pdf on the page.
However, the requirements mentioned by @Anamika_13 is different and can't be fulfilled with above solution, if the authors will not have access to Assets.
Hi @Anamika_13 ,
Is there a reason as to why these PDFs can't be uploaded directly in DAM asset and why through a component multifield?
Please refer to below page to upload PDFs in AEM Assets
Hi @qath ,
This error is is due to the Apache Sling Referrer Filter will not allow empty Referrer address by default.
For testing purpose, you can allow empty referrer by changing the Apache Sling Referrer Filter.
Apache Sling Referrer Filter configuration
Go to the Felix Console - http://...
Hi @sivaprasadv3910 ,
Looks like a configuration issue. Please refer to this page for configuring and testing your connection.
Hi @rampai ,
You can allow all origins by replacing the domain with * but generally this is not recommended as it is not too secure. You can try this approach to find the domain from the request and add that domain in the response.
With .htaccess you can do it like this:
# -----------------------...