Try to export in a CSV instead. If it works, then convert it in the xls format in MS Excel. Best wishes,Andrey Osadchuk | Inspect Launch Implementation, Automate Classifications & Data Sources, Essential Bookmarks
There is no good way for combining various visualisations in a grid layout. Consider the following example: There are two workarounds that are not ideal:1. Resize the visualisation to align them on height. The issue with this approach is that when the project gets viewed on the screens that are narr...
I was able to replicate the fallout flickering behaviour. It happens when the fallout visualisation height is far more than the browser window height and the lower part of the visualisation is displayed in the viewport. This looks to be a bug.The only workaround I could find is to zoom out the page ...
I have faced the same issue with the classification based dimensions about 2 months ago. ClientCare confirmed the problem was because of the EU server the AA account was hosted on. The Engineering team had to make a transition to another server to resolve the issue.I would advise to contact ClientCa...
First panel115799 - is the total number of Visits and Entries in May for those who have visited the page set in the segment regardless of whether that page was the landing page (entry page). For example, one visitor landed on the page SM|Home, the second landed on SM|Something. The report shows 2 Vi...
Hey Kanno,Consider a scenario when you want to have a metric that returns number of visits for the last 7 days. This requires a metric with a segment. The metric will work regardless of what date range is set in the panel. A step forward would be to have a metric that returns by how much the traffic...
Hi @hansenedr ,Yes, you can group the pages with Classifications. Best wishes,Andrey Osadchuk | Inspect Launch Implementation, Automate Classifications & Data Sources, Essential Bookmarks