Hi @arpan-garg @Mohan_Dugganab @SatheeskannaK @Anuhya-Y Button color is getting changed as soon as we click on the button from white to purple and it is not changing back its color do we have any solution to fix this
hi @SatheeskannaK @Mohan_Dugganab @arpan-garg Can we Create an array and pass mulitiple value in it like "var1","var2","var3","var4" and then use the event attribute where ever if it get matched it will print the content
i have one doubt in Email activity(content) size limit is 100kb it will not increse if i make that much of varients in it becasue i have other block also other then this
Hi @Mohan_Dugganab @SatheeskannaK @Anuhya-Y @arpan-garg @Ivan_Mironchuk I have to deliver a personalized message in the email body in a scenario where I have 50 different names. Is there another approach we can use instead of IF/ELSE, or is there a method we can optimize the IF/ELSE Condition?