Hi,I have a doubleclick tag which I need to implement it on the PageLoad. I tried putting it on non-sequential HTML with top of the page rule. My Tag does not fire.I am using DTM. Any suggestions on what I can do next?<script>gtag('event', 'conversion', {'allow_custom_scripts': true,'send_to': 'DC-9...
Hi,I implemented launch async script. I see the analytics request firing correctly. But, by DTM switch is disabled? Any ideas why my DTM switch is disabled?I am not able to change environments? The site where I am implementing the launch async script in the <head> section is single page application....
Hi,What should I type in console to switch environment from staging to prod for DTM library? I know there is DTM switch. But, what about typing it in console to change the library?ThanksAnkit
I implemented the async launch script in the head section. But, when I load the page and see it in console, I get the error _satellite.getVar is not a function.Any idea what could be the issue?ThanksAnkit
Hi,I have DTM header and footer script on my site.If I want to upgrade to Adobe launch for my site without changing the current header and footer , then how can I go about it?ThanksAnkit
Hi,For DTM, I was using DTM switch to check if the analytics tags are going to staging or production library.But, for Adobe Launch, what can I use to see if it is going to dev,stage or prod reporting suite?ThanksAnkit
Hi,How can I disable Video reporting in Edit Settings->Video Management->Video Reporting?Currently it is already configured to custom variable. But, I have implemented it in solution.ThanksAnkit