Hi,I have a doubleclick tag which I need to implement it on the PageLoad. I tried putting it on non-sequential HTML with top of the page rule. My Tag does not fire.I am using DTM. Any suggestions on what I can do next?<script>gtag('event', 'conversion', {'allow_custom_scripts': true,'send_to': 'DC-9...
Hi,I implemented launch async script. I see the analytics request firing correctly. But, by DTM switch is disabled? Any ideas why my DTM switch is disabled?I am not able to change environments? The site where I am implementing the launch async script in the <head> section is single page application....
Hi,What should I type in console to switch environment from staging to prod for DTM library? I know there is DTM switch. But, what about typing it in console to change the library?ThanksAnkit
I implemented the async launch script in the head section. But, when I load the page and see it in console, I get the error _satellite.getVar is not a function.Any idea what could be the issue?ThanksAnkit
Hi,I have DTM header and footer script on my site.If I want to upgrade to Adobe launch for my site without changing the current header and footer , then how can I go about it?ThanksAnkit
Hi,For DTM, I was using DTM switch to check if the analytics tags are going to staging or production library.But, for Adobe Launch, what can I use to see if it is going to dev,stage or prod reporting suite?ThanksAnkit
Hi,I have a quick question relating to capturing the referrer for the Page A and iframe hosted on the Page A.I have a page A which has an iframe. Currently the 60% traffic to that page is showing google cpc i.e adwords when I look at the trafic source.But, when I look at the traffic source of that i...
Hi,I would like to know your thoughts on the best way to capture organic social and paid social traffic. If you can point me to some additional documentation.ThanksAnkit