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☕[AT Community Q&A Coffee Break] WEDNESDAY 2/7/24, 8am PT: Art of the Possible Webinar Follow-up Qs (P1 of Personalization Maturity Series), w/ Adobe Target Experts Brent Kostak & Drew Burns of the Adobe Target Product Team ☕




Join us for the next Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break! 

  Wednesday, February 7th from 8am - 9am PT 

We'll be joined by Adobe Target experts: Brent Kostak (@bkostak), Ryan Roberts (@Ryan_Roberts_), and Drew Burns (@Drburns27). We'll also be joined by Marisol St. John (@msamaniego) from Technical Support Engineering for extra support.

In this AMA (Ask Me Anything)- like event, the experts will be logged in to chat with you over this Discussion Thread, ready to answer any of your questions related to the topics covered in the 1/16/24 Webinar on the "Art of the Possible with Adobe Target." 

WATCH THE WEBINAR RECORDING, and then join us 2/7/24 to bring your related Questions, Best Practices, or Hot Tips to this chat to share and discuss with the experts and your Target Community peers! 

Based on your participation in this thread, you may be selected as our first Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break Star Contributor  Post your related Question/ Best Practice/ Hot Tip as a Reply to this thread and you may be selected! Please review the full details below.


Questions / Best Practices / Hot Tips should be geared around topics covered in this Webinar Part 1, specifically: 

  • How each Target capability plays a strategic role in executing personalization at scale
  • Top use cases that customers are configuring AI capabilities to accomplish at scale
  • How you are in control of machine learning to activate AI-powered Personalization to your specific goals

Participating is easy:

  • Register by RSVPing on the right hand side button with 'Yes' or 'Maybe' as applicable, and click "Add to Calendar".
  • Add your Questions / Best Practices / Hot Tips below as a Reply to this Thread before or on the day of the Coffee Break~ Begin your post with our hosts' Community Usernames: @bkostak@Ryan_Roberts_, and @Drburns27 (If you CANNOT attend the live Coffee Break session due to an existing obligation, you can ask your question or post your best practice in advance by replying to this event at the bottom of the page. Your question will be answered in the order that it was received.)

During the hour, make sure to refresh this Coffee Break page periodically to catch new questions, responses, and recommendations.

  • Clarify your questions
  • Ask follow up Qs and share your use case examples
  • See Questions and Insights posted by other Community members ~ up-vote those that you find interesting
  • Discuss further with your Target Community member peers 

**To disable email notifications for this thread, click the Options menu on the top right and select "Unfollow the conversation." This will prevent notifications from being sent to your email every time there is a new reply to the thread or comment. 



The Star Contributor opportunity:

  • All customers who post a question / best practice / hot tip as a Reply to this thread leading up to or during the 1-hour live event will be considered for the  Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break Star Contributor  title.
    • Questions asked as follow up to an original submission will be considered. Simply commenting on another user's submission (as opposed to replying to the same with a question) will not be considered. Liking, viewing, bookmarking, following, marking solutions, or selecting "Me Too" will likewise not be considered for the Star Contributor designation. 
  • Recognition will involve a Shout-out post in the Adobe Target Community + a LinkedIn Announcement spotlighting you! This will include your headshot, your outstanding contribution to the Coffee Break event (i.e. your Question/ Best Practice/ Hot Tip), and a bit about your professional background and experience with Adobe Experience Cloud solutions. 
    • The Star Contributor will be notified via a direct message on the Experience League Community. If the Star Contributor does not reply within 72 hours, a new Star Contributor will be selected. 



Meet the experts:



Brent Kostak, Product Marketing Manager, Adobe

Brent brings data-driven personalization solutions to market that connect global brands to their customers. Adobe enables enterprise marketing and engineering teams to streamline data and create a single, personalized view of their customers to deliver exceptional digital experiences. Brent has over 10 years of experience helping organizations leverage software technologies and services to better compete and serve their mission.




Ryan Roberts, Principal Consultant, Adobe

Ryan runs pre-sales proof-of-concept engagements for clients across North America as an implementation and testing expert who helps clients verify how Adobe Target can meet their requirements and boost their digital marketing optimization efforts.





Drew Burns, Group Product Marketing Manager, Adobe

Drew has been an evangelist and a practitioner in the personalization and testing space for 15 years.  He works with progressive enterprise companies across industries on building the foundation and maturing their optimization and personalization efforts, strategies and programs leveraging manual and A.I./ML capabilities. At Adobe, he works alongside the leading enterprise companies in retail/e-commerce, travel & hospitality, financial, media & publishing, B2B/ High Tech and other verticals to improve and grow their optimization and personalization efforts, strategies and programs. 



 Something already coming to mind?

Add your related questions below any time prior to or during the Coffee Break on Wednesday, February 7th @8am PT, when you can watch the page and be ready to add follow-up questions and discuss further with other community members!




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Greetings @PASTROM ! Welcome to today's Target Community Q&A Coffee Break By posting in the thread, you are participating! This is a text-only thread discussion where one participates by posting  in this thread to today's Coffee Break experts,  @bkostak@Ryan_Roberts_, and @msamaniegoPlease feel free to share your Questions, Best Practices, or Hot Tips related to the webinar topics and our experts will weigh in in response!


Level 2


I am looking for a link as well. What am I missing?




Greetings @trahulc ! Welcome to today's Target Community Q&A Coffee Break By posting in the thread, you are participating! This is a text-only thread discussion where one participates by posting  in this thread to today's Coffee Break experts,  @bkostak@Ryan_Roberts_, and @msamaniegoPlease feel free to share your Questions, Best Practices, or Hot Tips related to the webinar topics and our experts will weigh in in response!


Employee Advisor


Welcome everyone to today's Coffee Break event! Please submit your questions in the chat below! 



Level 1


 @bkostak@Ryan_Roberts_, @Drburns27

I have a question about Recommendations Custom criteria, if I can use any other data source to specify the scoring models. Currently we only have CSV possibility, I am trying to figure out if its possible extend this capability to read JSONs. Will there be any scope in future for this fucntionality.

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 17.04.04.png



Hi @pramodalapati, the custom criteria uploads are meant to just be uploading the results of the criteria. So a key and its corresponding recommended items. So a simple CSV type layout is the most simple way to pass this. There is no benefit to being able to nest or group objects in that upload. Hope that helps.




Welcome everyone to our Coffee Break! Go ahead and add your questions below.




I'd like to hear suggestions on using AI activities when there's a publishing schedule that's shorter than the learning may take to build the model. 


Employee Advisor


Hi @wozinga, there are couple of options. Sometimes it might be a good option to switch it to an Auto Allocate test which is optimized for speeding up the results of an AB test.

You could also use an AP activity with reporting groups - but that only helps if the offers are getting replace by newer versions.


Employee Advisor


Offer Reporting Groups in Automated Personalization would be an option for creating personalization models for each group based on the data. Reporting Groups helps solve by grouping similar offers with each model getting more data to train on. 

ExL link for more details!


Employee Advisor


Glad to have you all join us this morning. Happy to hear your questions!


Level 2


Is there any way to automatically remove extreme outliers from the A4T activity reports ? I know there's an OOTB feature to exclude extreme values for tests where Target is the reporting source - how do we achieve it for A4T ?


Thanks @Drburns27. We were trying to use the same approach suggested in the other thread. My question is - how do we determine the reasonable range to create the segment? I know it will differ for different companies and different success metrics. Is there any best practice we should follow there? It'll be great to hear your recommendations 


@ande2 Great question!  As you mentioned, there is no established standard as it will depend on the data set.  But 2 standard deviations from the mean should probably rule out outliers, especially in a smaller data set.  But again, looking at the data in a graph format usually points to the appropriate deviation from the mean and represents outliers that do not match a majority of the data set.


Thanks @Drburns27 - What's the date range we should check the data for? last 3months/6months/1year - any standards there ?


Employee Advisor


Hey @ande2, there isn't one right answer to that question, other than "it depends". Generally speaking more data is better. The way Target's built in extreme order filter works is on the data within that activity only. But for your own custom outlier filter, adjusting the threshold you use for extremes on more data would usually be preferable. If the data is reasonably consistent during those different time frames then I'd lean to using more rather than less. If there is seasonality that may naturally affect order sizes you would want to consider that and adjust the window you use to define an extreme order.


Level 2


Question on using customer attributes for personalization - what is a recommended testing approach when the sample size becomes small (after applying customer attrbutes) and you want to run a test for a short duration (say 4-6 weeks)? I am thinking of increasing the ramp to 50% but are there other approaches? 


@trahulc Auto-Allocate is an excellent option when there are low traffic requirements, as the multi-armed bandit will divert traffic over the course of the test to the winning variant.  This activity is built for multiple experiences as well.  What is an Auto-Allocate Activity? | Adobe Target


Auto-allocate would ideally divert traffic based on the primary success metric which we specify in the test. What if we conclude/analyze a test results based on performance of more than one success metrics? Is there any way Auto-allocate can divert traffic based on multiple success metrics ?


Agree but the problem with that approach is we look at multiple metrics to determine a winner and auto-allocate looks at only 1 primary metric to determine the winning variant. Isn't it? In such a scenario, what do you suggest?


@trahulc This can be done in 3 ways, from my perspective.  Auto-Allocate does have built-in capabilities to show 95% confidence, where you could compare the multiple metrics performance at that point, training the model on the primary metric.  You could do phased auto-allocate activities in succession or with a portion of the population to compare multiple metrics at significance point.  Or you could train the auto-allocate activity based on a compound metric from analytics, selecting that metric as your primary in the activity.


Is it possible to use calculated metric from Analytics for Auto-allocate activities?


Employee Advisor


Hi @trahulc,

Another idea might be re-running the AB test for just the small audience (after the applying of the customer attributes). Of course this also sort of starts over your reports. Maybe (warning could be a crazy idea here) after reaching a conclusive result for the broader audience, but not your smaller audience, you could continue the test but exclude the non-smaller audience. In other words the majority of the audience could start seeing their new winner, but you continue the test on the smaller audience by simply adjusting the entry audience condition on the activity.


Level 1


Hello there, so if I understand well this is a chat only event, is that correct? Or there is a link to join a call?





Correct @JoseD_Q, and welcome! By posting in this thread, you are participating Please feel free to share any of your webinar-related Questions, Best Practices, and Hot Tips in the thread for our experts to weigh in!


Level 2


that is correct. This is a chat/thread only event.




Thanks for joining us today @Ryan_Roberts_ @Drburns27 @bkostak @msamaniego ! The question below was posted by ben_mrm:


Looking for some support/insight from anyone that has utilized the Auto-Target feature within an A/B test. My test has been running for quite some time and I've reached the necessarily visitors and conversions levels needed for my algorithms to begin learning, 1,000 visits and 50 conversions (7,000 overall visits and 350 overall conversions) as I understand them. However, my reporting is still stating that the models have not been built yet - as indicated by the clock icon still next to my experiences. I'm also not seeing the Important Attributes report nor the Automated segment reports that are supposed to come along with this tool....presumably because the models are still being indicated as not finalize yet? 

This test has been running for over 80 days and it seems to be collecting the right information, but no models and no reports yet, any ideas? Are the experiences just too similar for the AI to pick up anything and create a model from? Appreciate any thoughts or comments!

Link to Original Question


Hi @ben_mrm

There can be cases where your models build but are valid. This could be because of a few things.

  1. The experiences perform very similar to each other in general, too close to statistically confirm one group is performance better on one than the other.
  2. The optimizing metric needs 50 conversions per experience so if you have 350 in the activity you probably have 50 in each experience, but worth checking that.
  3. Lack of meaningful features/attributes - if you are not passing any custom attributes into Target and it's only using out of the box items it may not be getting good enough "signals" to know when a person would prefer one or the other.


Community Advisor


How efficient is it to use audience segmentation through 3rd party tool? We use ABM account and I want to use the segments build in that ABM account as the audience in the target (we have integration set up already via launch) but not sure how efficiently it will work?

@JyotiSharmaV we have many companies who do this, and you can set how often these audience segments should be updated through customer attributes or bulk profile upload via api.


Employee Advisor


Hi @JyotiSharmaV,

Are you thinking efficiency from an implementation perspective or a post-implementation using the 3rd party segments perspective?


Community Advisor


I am thinking of efficiency in terms of the audience pool and whether using 3rd party tool for the audience would reach correctly to the desired audience group or not.


Community Advisor


How can we pull category affinity into Analytics? This could be beneficial for product-based B2B companies to understand affinity users and target them with personalized experience.


Employee Advisor


Are you thinking you'd like to breakdown a report in AA by a visitor's category affinity preference?

In theory you could pass the value in a response token and then client side have Analytics pick it up in an evar.


Community Advisor


Yes, this is exactly I am looking for. Great to know that we can pick it up. I will give it a try


Community Advisor


It is said that you have to create a feed to feed data to recommendation activity in target. But it has a step where you have to provide a URL link. What is that? How to create that URL path whether it's via csv, google, or analytics? 

@JyotiSharmaV The URL you’re asked to provide is the location of the data source for your feed. This could be a CSV file, Google product Search feed 


How Do I Use Feeds in Target Recommendations? | Adobe Target


Community Advisor


That's what I am asking. If I have the csv feed ready with me on my local desktop. Then do I need to upload it somewhere or anything else to provide path?


Employee Advisor


Hey @JyotiSharmaV,

Yes, you will need to upload the CSV from your laptop to a hosted location with a URL. Target checks that URL for updates to the feed at a schedule of your choosing. That's why you need it to be in a hosted location.


Community Advisor


Can we have a separate event or webinar on recommendation activity as a topic as this is a big challenge and the most demanding thing which everyone can achieve via Target @Amelia_Waliany 


Hi @JyotiSharmaV - great to see you here today in the thread! And as Drew mentioned - great timing for this question! We have two related  Recommendations-focused events upcoming: 
(1) 2/13/24 Webinar on Recommendations (Personalization Maturity Series Part 2) 

(2) 2/28/24 Coffee Break as an extended Q&A for the 2/13 Recommendations Webinar 


Please do mark you calendars, register for both events, and share the information out with colleagues who may be interested in diving deeper into Target Recommendations  


Employee Advisor


Hi Jyoti! Great timing as we are hosting a webinar next week specifically on recs. Links below for webinar and coffee break:



Would you have specifics for follow up on challenges, so we can make sure to address them? Thanks!


Employee Advisor


Please be sure to register for both events and share with any of your colleagues who may be interested as well!




Thanks for joining us today @Ryan_Roberts_ @Drburns27 @bkostak @msamaniego ! The question below was posted during the 1/16/24 Webinar by @ZvoidZ :


What is the SEO impact if offers/experiences have various focus and do not necessarily align with the default keyword focus on the page? Thanks!

@Amelia_Waliany et al., SEO is not impacted with differing experience variations within a test or activity with a limited life span, especially when using our most common client-side implementation, as it's based on the default content.  The experience variations are content that is delivered as a layer above the page.  The only way that SEO would be impacted is with an "always-on" personalization activity leveraging AI where there isn't a fixed horizon, especially if you're leveraging a server-side or hybrid deployment of Target.




Thanks for joining us today @Ryan_Roberts_ @Drburns27 @bkostak @msamaniego ! The question below was posted by @Coops :  


From what I'm reading it appears that in the activity type I don't set the audiences, I just allocate all traffic. Then the algorithm works out which experience each individual customer would prefer based on their attributes. That correct?


Having a debate with someone experienced in using Auto-Target and they say the human determines the audiences and the AI simply works out which pre-defined audience prefers which experience. Thank you! It does. I'm wondering why this person I'm debating with is getting confused. Is it possible to pre-define that audiences? I'm assuming not right? In the activity you just set up one audience?


Link to Original Question

@Amelia_Waliany  @Coops Our AI-powered activities, automated personalization and auto-target, will evaluate all existing profile data and segments defined or shared in Target.  It will score these and use them to determine the right exprience to deliver to maximize the conversion goal.  You can also select a subset of the profile data and audience segments that you want to evaluate.  In any activity with Target reporting, you can present audiences you wish to evaluate in reporting, but you can also select A4T for reporting and then any defined segment prior, during or after the activity can be used, even retroactively, for reporting and subsequent targeting opportunities.

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Feb 07, 2024 - 08:00 AM (PST)

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Feb 07, 2024 - 09:00 AM (PST)