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Customer AI historical data requirement


Level 3

In customer AI historical data requirements, its mentioned that data required = Eligible lookback window + outcome window. Where the eligible lookback window is defined in the eligible population. 


So, if I set eligible population to be something like - web activity in last 60 days and set goal condition to happen in upcoming 30 days, total data required would be 60 + 30 = 90 days. As per my understanding, it means the model would train on last 90 days of historical data. Then, I think model will look beyond "web activity in last 60 days. I fail to understand, how is eligible population working if model requires 90 days of historical data?


Also, is lookback window/eligible population limited to 120 days?


(image is taken from adobe documentation - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/intelligent-services/customer-ai/data... )




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3 Replies



@brekrut @arpan-garg @Sneha-Parmar @Pradeep_Kumar_Srivastav @birthariyamayank Request you to please look at this question and share your thoughts.

Kautuk Sahni



@ccg1706 @somen-sarkar @saswataghosh @Hitaprem @NickMannion @DavidRoss91 @Parvesh_Parmar @Ankit_Chaudhary @RiteshYadav18 @pradnya_balvir Kindly take a moment to review this question and share your valuable insights. Your expertise would be greatly appreciated!

Kautuk Sahni




Kindly take a moment to review this question and share your valuable insights. Your expertise would be greatly appreciated!

Kautuk Sahni