We are thrilled to announce that Real-Time CDP Collaboration, a purpose-built offering tailor-made for brands and publishers to discover, activate and measure audiences, is now available in the U.S. Customers of Real-Time CDP Prime and Ultimate will have automatic access to Real-Time CDP Collaborati...
Join us for an exclusive live session with Adobe product experts to discover how AI Assistant can unlock valuable operational insights, boosting productivity and redefining work in Adobe Experience Platform and its platform-based applications. In this session, you’ll explore: how AI Assistant enhan...
We are excited to announce the RTCDP Community Member of the Year for 2024! A big congratulations to this year’s winner: @DavidRoss91! David has shown exceptional commitment to the RTCDP Community, helping others with his expertise, fostering discussions, and sharing valuable feedback. His contribu...
Hi Team,I wanted to understand what are the best practices and recommended approach to model identities for a source where we are tracking user level information along with the accounts that they are associated to.Consider this, on an wholesale eComm site different retailers have their accounts. Und...
Hi Adobe Community, I have an interesting use case. So my team has this attribute for like propensity scores in our system. We want the ability that once we create an audience, we can group that audience by that propensity score attribute and then we can sort by the top 10% of customers with that at...
Hi Community, Exciting news! Experience League just launched a new personalized homepage, designed to help you discover smarter, faster ways to enhance your learning journey. Check out this announcement to explore the revamped announcements hub, tailored specifically to your needs: https://adobe.ly/...
I have created a new schema, and a new dataset (Event) corresponding to it , both are profile enabled .Created a new dataflow from the source and it is a backfill enabled.Problem: I have ran a query to check the number of records in the dataset I got a count 'A'(2870051), but in the UI the count of ...
Why is this feature important to you? Currently, understanding Adobe documentation in Experience League requires reading through lengthy content, which can be time-consuming. A summarization feature would make it easier to grasp key concepts quickly, save time, and enhance learning efficiency.How wo...
Hi all, It's a rare case, but do we know if RTCDP can be integrated with workfront. I do believe so, it can be done via API, but if you please can help me here @_Manoj_Kumar_ @DavidRoss91 , @brekrut, @GigiCotruta more than courious to here your experiences here. Thanks a lot. Regards,Celia
Afternoon RTCDP Community, My organization has a need to curate a custom output file for an audience that was created in RTCDP. This output file needs to contain an Account Identifier field; however, because audiences are built at a customer/profile level in RTCDP we're having trouble targeting a sp...
Hi Team,The documentation states that profile dashboard provides important information about your Real-Time Customer Profile data, as captured during a daily snapshot.At what exact time is the update done in the UI? Is it same across all customers or depends upon individual setups/imgestions.Thanks
I have used postman to get Oath tokens, that expired after every 24hr. if we need to use refresh token to get new Oath token, how do we do that ? https: // {{IMS}}/ims/token/v2 ? grant_type=client_credentials&client_id={{API_KEY}}&client_secret={{CLIENT_SECRET}}&scope={{SCOPES}} I have tried includi...