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Develop a utility to transfer offers from one sandbox to another


Level 1


I am trying to develop a utility to sync the offers from one sandbox to the other through Offer APIs. We could retreive the offers from one sandbox in Postman but while trying to set it up in AJO, in the custom action URL, I entered the offer API and it gave the following error.



Is there any way we can overcome this blocker and set the utility up in AJO?


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2 Replies



This is a guardrail called out in https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/journey-optimizer/using/get-started/guardrails



You can potentially explore leveraging a middleware/custom solution for this.



Community Advisor

@Neeharika_Shetty You could use create and manager offer API's to port them into another sandbox. Although this is not the most optimal method, consider having a look at it.

Thanks, Sathees