Hello all,
I am trying to configure an AJO cart abandonment journey with a personalized email as shown in this link. I am not sure on the type of event that is being used for this for the configuration of this use case in the tutorial. I tried using a unitary system generated event, however, it doesn't seem to trigger the journey when I add a product to the cart and do not checkout.
Any help or guidance is appreciated.
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@trojan_horse, Here are the steps that I followed to get this done,
- Created unitary event that contains productListItems array and event type commerce.productListAdds
- Created segment with event type equals commerce.productListAdds and no event type commerce.purchases in last 24 hours.
- Created a Journey that starts with a Unitary event, wait activity, condition activity to include the segment and message setup following the documentation.
I tried this and the journey still wouldn't trigger.
- I created a unitary system generated event that includes the productListItems array and event type commerce.productListAdds
- I created a segment with the following definition: (Include audience who have at least 1 Any event where (Event Type equals commerce.productListAdds AND Event Type does not equal commerce.purchases) ) and occurs in last 1 day(s)
- I created the journey as you mentioned above
Is there anything that I'm missing or doing wrong?
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@trojan_horse, When you run test mode do you see that Journey is not kicking off or the segment is not showing profile count?
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Both. I just published the journey instead of going to test mode as I don't have all the product info to trigger the event in test mode.
The profile count doesn't show for the segments, and the journey is not kicking off as well.
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@trojan_horse, You should test the journey using test mode. Probably duplicate the journey and test it before publishing. Also, look at the dataset associated with the schema which is being used to see whether the data is entering the dataset.
Hello Community,
We have already created the Cart Abandonment Journey. However, when personalizing the email, we want to add multiple products to the email.
But the product list add event only includes one product, so when I personalize the email I only get one product.
How can I add multiple products to the email?
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Hi @andreacastillom, productlistitem is an array object. You should be getting multiple products as long as the upstream event captures the multiple products. Take a look at this documentation,
Hi @SatheeskannaK @Anuhya-Y , what if the user removes the added item in the cart and empties the cart. How can we refrain from sending that user the abandon cart notification?
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@trojan_horse We have implemented the same use case using unitary rule-based event. I would recommended try using unitary rule-based event.
And test journey before publishing by passing required details.
Unfortunately, we aren't receiving any events from the source system. The manual loop through option mentioned here should work though
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@Anuhya-Y Do you mind elaborating on how unitary events was used for this? I'm just curious about what the flow would be?
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@trojan_horse checkout my blog on events in AJO https://medium.com/@anuhyareddy.y/unveiling-events-in-adobe-journey-optimizer-a8912bafaba6
You can refer https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/journey-optimizer/using/configuration/configure-journeys/eve...
I agree with @Anuhya-Y . It should work by using unitary rule-based event.
However, make sure to read the capping rule (CAUTION in doc).
Hi @trojan_horse,
Were you able to resolve this query with the help of the given solutions or do you still need more help here? Do let us know. In case the given solutions were helpful, then kindly choose the one that helped you the most as the 'Correct Reply'.
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