Hi everyone,
has anyone tried the importing data through SFMC.
We were able to sucessfuly migate the data through FTP but the data isn't showing any records.
We are facing some fomatting issue but we are not able to reolve this.
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Yes, it should be either of these methods. Either use mbox3rdpartyId or use experience cloud ID service.
Glad to know that it's worked for you.
Hi @yogitabistacc - What's your use case, are you importing data from SFMC to Adobe Target or AEP? From your question this is not clear.
In Adobe Target and what would be the process to maps the SFMC ID to ECID or profile parameters ?
We are using GTM i think we need couple of custom codes in order to make it happen
Hi @yogitabistacc Have you explored the Customer Attributes functionality which allows you push customer data (third party data) to the Experience Cloud platform.
More info - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/core-services/interface/services/customer-attributes/attribu...
You have to map the SFMC ID using setCustomerID method to ECID.
@Gokul_Agiwal Thanks a lott for the help on this.
We have completed the data import from SFMC into customer attributes.
What we are facing challenge with is Part 2 : Which is mapping SFMC IDs to ECID that too through GTM.
And there is something missing in the help links.
Have you guys done it before and if yes, please help share the steps post importing the data into customer attributes.
(customer ID synchronization) is required by customer attributes and core services functionality. Target requires Visitor.AuthState.AUTHENTICATED
for Customer Attributes to work and you need to pass alias Id in Customer Attributes to track data.
This Alias ID can be pass like as below
"id":"", // PASS YOUR SFMC ID here
Once above steps done - pass the mapSFMCID as Alias ID in Customer attribute like below
If all works well, you can able to see in network call payload like below as CustomerIds object and the integrationCode will be mapSFMCID
Here is more info https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/id-service/using/reference/authenticated-state.html?lang=en
Hope this helps.
Thanks for posting your question @yogitabistacc! And thanks @Gokul_Agiwal for your thoughtful step-by-step guidance here on the thread! @yogitabistacc, please feel free to update this thread if you have any follow-up questions! If you were satisfied with the direction that @Gokul_Agiwal provided, please click on the "Correct Reply" button at the top left of the most helpful reply to close out this question. Thanks again for contributing to the Adobe Target Community!
For us :
stitching the SFMC ID with with the mboxthirsparty Id in target page params worked.
We had to pass the sfmc id in GTM variable
like below
function targetPageParams() {
return [
"mbox3rdPartyId" + {{sfmc_id}};
Yes, it should be either of these methods. Either use mbox3rdpartyId or use experience cloud ID service.
Glad to know that it's worked for you.