Hi all,I just wanted to double check something that we learned from the Product Roadmap session yesterday. (which was fantastic, by the way) Just want to confirm that the Continuous Revenue Metric recently released will be used by Adobe's ML to Train the model on the Revenue metric, and that we're a...
@dwright I am referring to your tutorial on custom AT.JS events, where one could use evens like at-content-rendering-succeeded for fetching user attributes in response tokens. We are currently just listening to the 'at-content-rendering-succeeded' in the web to refresh a token. Since we have migrat...
Hi,I am trying to split the traffic to 100% to variation B, still when i open the page i am getting Variation A.Is there any documentation to follow for this Adobe target? I am trying to test it in incognito mode, even from another laptop. But i can only see variation A
I have started a personalisation on a specific page based on "All Visitors" Audience and i choose as the Reporting Source Adobe Analytics.After 3 day i've checked the data and the traffic on the page and I can see:* 500K users visited the test page* only about 100K are included in the personalisatio...
I am fairly new to PS and would like add a script but was denied because I am not an Admin. This is my personal account and I am the sole user. How do I become an Admin?
Hi,I want to implement a usecase where the requirement is to have the same experience on multiple pages.Its actually a change in Header which we want to implement for a specific set of pages for a specific audience. for example setting an activity on below url/content/a/b/c.htmlmade some changes her...
Hi folks,I need to build a recommendations collection for French food pages with a mix of content with unlike metadata. Say I have two content types but they do not share a common field with the same value; one has subjects and one has cuisine e.g.Category EQUALS food AND[Subjects CONTAINS french OR...
Hi Does anyone know the equivalent event for at-content-rendering-succeeded in WebSDk. We recently moved to WebSDK and would need our custom code to perform an acton based on content rendering success
Hi All,Currently we are analysing a requirement where we trying to understand what would be option of using HTML Offers vs JSON Offers.We are currently using Adobe AEM as CMS to run our Website and we are also using Adobe Target , Analytics for our Website .Now we are working on SPA application whi...