Device: Mac 10.12.3Browser: Chrome 73.0.3683.103Target: at.js 1.7.1Target Activity: uses Conversion goal measured by Click of Element (set within Goals & Settings)Problem: With active test on click of selected element, Chrome blocks response (CORB)Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-or...
Adobe Target activities can use segments created ina) Adobe Target (based on Global mBox parameters)b) Adobe Audience Manager c) Adobe Analytics.For a use case such as Abandon Basket, which approach is best to use? As per the documentation, Adobe Audience Manager and Adobe Analytics Segments have la...
Hi,I am using Redirect to create two version of the test as the new landing page.The problem is with the page name when I breakdown the Target Activity in Analytics it takes into account also the page name of the Control version from which the redirection is happening.The two version of the homepage...
Hi Team,I have integrated target with scene7 and it's working fine. If i create new folder and upload images in the target image offers console then they are getting synced with the scene7 account and I can see Replace Content -> Image was enabled in the target activity. I can replace page images wi...
So I have spent hours looking around the forum to find an answer to this question. Just about all the answers I can find are all out dated and referring to mbox.js functions that no longer exist.All I am trying to do is create an audience if a cookie value is true. It seems by default Adobe Target i...
Hi, I am trying to create audience in target where I want to exclude Tablet/iPad devices from my test. I create the custom audience in target where in Rules I am selecting Mobile option and I am providing condition as "Is Tablet" and it's value is false. Is that correct way to create exclusion for T...
We've recently started exploring our Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target data at a new level with the addition of a data scientist to our team. She has uncovered something unexpected. She is finding multiple customer ids from our CRM system associated with a single mcvisid. We have a customer portal...
Hi Team,We are facing one issue with Autocomplete when using Search and Promote. We are using S&P autocomplete url with query parameter and it gives autocomplete options.Issue we are facing is for Russian characters -If we search for Кукуруза, it does not give autocomplete suggestion though same val...
Hi,Is it possible to perform a 301 redirect using Target? Example taken from Chrome that appears to be a redirect being performed by Target:Request URL: