What is an alias ID in Customer Attributes, and can we use a customer ID as an alias ID? What is the role of 'launch' while data mapping in Customer Attributes?
I think that to target users based on their continent is not currently possible, at least in an easy way, as I could test directly on target and read here https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/target/using/audiences/create-audiences/categories-audiences/geo The use case would be to create audie...
Our application is split across multiple domains, and the conversion will not happen on the same domain as the A/B test. We currently have multiple workspaces, one per domain, however conversions for the A/B test are not tracking property.If we moved to a single workspace, can it support multiple do...
Hi everyone,I'm currently working with Adobe Target and have set up A/B testing. However, I’m not seeing the delivery call status in the reports. Could someone help me understand what might be causing this issue?Thanks in advance for your assistance!
Hi Team, I created one activity in our workspace and used adobe analytics as a reporting source but I am facing below issue: Please let me know the reason for this. Also, I am using Websdk extension v.25 for target integration with website and it is using decision proposition event type.
Our team is migrating our Target implementation from at.js to Alloy. Currently, we use a getOffers() call to retrieve recommendations for multiple mBoxes, which allows us to pass different parameters for each mBox (for example, we are using excludedIds for one activity, but don't want those products...
Update: We have narrowed down the issue to all iOS mobile devices. Chrome on an Android machine is working fine, for instance. For now we have decided to exclude iOS users in Europe. Will be great to have an official confirmation on this though! @Gaureshk_Kodag @RaghavAggarwal Hi, we have create...
Hello,I am new to Adobe Target and need to implement a deployment on a landing page that uses OneTrust and Google Tag Manager.I have deployed Adobe Target and can successfully run experiments. However, I am struggling to find a way to have Adobe Target modify the page while delaying data collection ...
I am building workflow in Adobe Campaign which puts Target recommended products into email. Do you know how these constraints work in real live scenarios?