Hi, does anyone know if there is a way to export all Adobe Target activities to have it on one file? I need to find a way to see all Live, Not active and Archived activities. Thanks!
Hello, I am trying to create an email campaign that runs daily (once a day every week). The hero image should change daily and will be dynamic image coming from Target. Do I have to create 7 redirect offers in Target for each day or I could able to accomplish this by creating just one offer? Any ide...
Hi Team, Client's few webpages are on SPA and few are on non SPA. On non SPA pages we already have target running through launch rule. Now on SPA Pages, client wants to implement target through launch so wanted to check if we can utilize same launch library ?We need to add triggers also through laun...
Hi, Is there a way to get the Activity Location (Activity Target URL) using the API?I am getting the details using https://mc.adobe.io/sap/target/activities/ab/<id> , but don't see that field.
I have XML feed which provides live site information that I want to be able to access with an Adobe Profile Script. Since I am not familiar with all the methods that can be used inside a Profile Script I was wondering if anyone knew how/if this could be done.
Hi Team, We have an mbox implemented on the mobile app page and can see UVs and visits for the activity.The next page "A" is the m-webpage opening within the app and that has target implemented so if we include that page "A" in analytics reports of the activity we see zero data.The report suite of ...
Hi, I am trying to connect Adobe Target using APIs by passing bearer token and Api-key but getting 403 Forbidden code. {"error_code":"502061","message":"Bad Gateway. No tenant associated with the user profile."} Where can I find tenant Id for Adobe target? I am finding tenant name from https://exp...
Is there a way, like a data-attribute, that can be added to an element in the DOM that disables Target Visual Experience Composer from being able to select that element? My use case is that I need to prevent certain areas of my web application from being altered by Target for business reasons.
Hi All,I am trying to implement a use case where we want to track the products browsed by a visitor and provide them with recommendations/personalised content with products belonging to the same category. Can we implement this using profile scripting / category affinity? Thanks,AB
Hi All,I am working on a use case where a user clicks on one of the three links on the page which is remembered in the cookies and we would then provide personalised content to the user based on the link he/she has clicked within the same session. We are using Launch and Adobe Target but don't have ...