Hi All,I am creating an regional mbox for my implementation.Below is the code that I have written. I am getting an error as shown in the snapshot . Please let me know what is correct way to write the code in selector section(highlighted in bold in the code) for "adobe.target.applyOffer" $('.col-lg...
Hello.The documentation tells, that if overrideMboxEdgeServer=true, then <clientCode>.tt.omtrdc.net will be used for calls to Target, and if it's false, then mboxedge<clusterNumber>.tt.omtrdc.net. Documentation also states that for CNAME usage overrideMboxEdgeServer should be false Documentation lin...
For newly created campaigns under a workspace, can we target Custom Audience by default ( and not ALL VISITORS) - is it possible ? Quick Background :By default, the Adobe Target campaigns target "ALL VISITORS" audience when the campaign is newly created. ALL VISITORS would imply that Production Cus...
Hello.I work with Target Premium solution, and we always send certain at_property value in mbox calls.Documentation tells that "Properties and Permissions functionality is available as part of the Target Premium solution.": https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/administer/manage-users...
Hi, I get some JSON offers before page rendering and apply the changes ( if there is a need ) using a custom function, now I want to keep listening to them and apply again without having to refresh the page, is this possible ? Thanks in advance
Dear Team Iin process to use Adobe Target Delivery APIs for Mobile Personalization. Below end point i am using it https://<clientCode>.tt.omtrdc.net/rest/v1/delivery?client=<clientCode>&sessionId=d359234570e04f14e1faeeba02d6ab9914e' Body Part of request {"id": {"tntId": "XX"}, "property" : {"token...
I need help to understand how Target determines what parameters to include in the /mbox/json request when getting offers. The exact issue I have seems to be caused by some legacy from people who don't work at the company anymore and left no documentation, so it's quite puzzling.When I check the requ...
I've recently been working on a new implementation of Analytics/Target via the AEP Web SDK, and am in the process of configuring some new activities. In the past, I've used profile scripts as an easy way to handle complex audience parameters that need some sort of calculation or persistence, but I ...
Hi Team. I am involved in a project with Adobe Target Web SDK implementation (https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/edge/personalization/adobe-target/target-overview.html?lang=en) and the offers are in JSON OFFER format because the customer wants to get the offers that apply fo...
Hi, In an activity, i have 5 different experience/offer. I would like to show each experience only for 3 times and move on it to next experience and so on. This should work based on the priority setup in the activity. Any suggestions?