Hi all,
We are using the data providers function to call an API and pass through data to Adobe Target. In one of the use case we need this parameters to being added as part of profile so firstly can I pass the values as profile parameters using the profile.
prefix, in callback function?
Reference link - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/target-learn/tutorials/integrations/implement-data-provid...
For ex like below -
var simpleDataProvider = {
name: "simpleDataProvider",
version: "1.0.0",
provider: function(callback) {
callback(null, {
profile.t1: 1
profile.t2: 2
window.targetGlobalSettings = {
dataProviders: [
have tried in multiple ways but no success - any help highly appreciated.
@alexbishop @Rajneesh_Gautam_ @Matthew_Ravlich_ACG
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Yes, you just need to use a string (i.e. "profile.t1") instead of profile.t1
Yes, you just need to use a string (i.e. "profile.t1") instead of profile.t1
Thank you @alexbishop. let me try it now.
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