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☕[AT Community Q&A Coffee Break] 8/11/21, 8am PT: Jim McTiernan, Principal Solutions Consultant for Adobe Target☕



Join us for the next monthly Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break

taking place Wednesday, August 11th, 2021 @ 8am PT

Be sure to MARK YOUR CALENDARS with a link to this thread

We'll be joined by Jim McTiernan, aka @Jim_McTiernan, Principal Solutions Consultant for Adobe Target, who will be signed in here to the Adobe Target Community to chat directly with you on this thread about your Adobe Target questions pertaining to his areas of expertise:

  • Adobe Target Recommendations
  • AB and MVT testing
  • Personalization



  • Must be signed in to the Community during the 1-hour period 
  • Must post a Question about Adobe Target
  • THAT'S IT!  *(think of this as the Adobe Target Community equivalent of an AMA, (“Ask Me Anything”), and bring your best speed-typing game) 



  • Click the blue “Reply” button at the bottom right corner of this post
  • Begin your Question with @Jim_McTiernan
  • When exchanging messages with Jim about your specific question, be sure to use the editor’s "QUOTE" button, which will indicate which post you're replying to, and will help contain your conversation with Jim

**For those who have joined an Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break before: please note that we are no longer using formal registration pages for these events - just be sure to Mark Your Calendars to sign in here to the Community on 8/11/21 @ 8am PT, and hop onto this thread for direct answers to your questions, from Jim




Jim McTiernan has been involved in the optimization space since 2009 when he joined Adobe Corporation. Currently, Jim is an Adobe Cloud Expert, specializing in Adobe Target.

Curious about what an Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break looks like? Be sure to check out our past 2020 Adobe Target Coffee Breaks, covering a WIDE variety of Adobe Target topics, and our latest thread from our 7/21/21 Adobe Target Coffee Break with @DavidSonPM 


Topics help categorize Community content and increase your ability to discover relevant content.

33 Replies


Level 1

@Jim_McTiernan What is the best way to create reporting dashboard for multivariate test? How do we pull location contribution reports for MVT activities?   



@arko1092 wrote:

@Jim_McTiernan What is the best way to create reporting dashboard for multivariate test? How do we pull location contribution reports for MVT activities?   

The best method to evaluate your Target MVT reports is via the Analysis Workspace A4T Panel. Please note that the location contribution reports are not available there however, so you will need to view those reports in the Target reporting UI.  See: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics/analyze/analysis-workspace/panels/a4t-panel.html?l...


Level 2

@Jim_McTiernan How can I create a new mbox to put into my sites, so that I do not have 1000 collisions?



@darthzeran wrote:

@Jim_McTiernan How can I create a new mbox to put into my sites, so that I do not have 1000 collisions?

The default target_global_mbox set by at.js should really be all you need in most cases. Collisions can be alleviated using Priority settings.  See: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/activities/priority.html?lang=en


If you do need to create more mboxes for some reason, you can use the at.js getOffer and applyOffer functions outlned here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/implement-target/client-side/at-js-implementati...


Level 2

@Jim_McTiernan How -   If I want to create a JSON design to return the top 10 most popular of all time, what should my JSON look like?  Would I keep the same design as the example JSON here (https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/recommendations/recommendations-design/create-d... or would I remove the key line because I do not want the top 10 to be based off a key? 



@darthzeran wrote:

@Jim_McTiernan How -   If I want to create a JSON design to return the top 10 most popular of all time, what should my JSON look like?  Would I keep the same design as the example JSON here (https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/recommendations/recommendations-design/create-d... or would I remove the key line because I do not want the top 10 to be based off a key? 

Yes, you can use that same design and remove the 'key' line as it won’t be necessary for a Popularity algorithm.


Level 1

@Jim_McTiernan what is the best practice of using Recommendations? How many variations are minimum for running the test? Should there be at least 10-20 content variations? 



@daryai71687572 wrote:

@Jim_McTiernan what is the best practice of using Recommendations? How many variations are minimum for running the test? Should there be at least 10-20 content variations? 

If you have only 10 to 20 variations, I suggest you use an AB Test Auto-target Activity instead of a Recommendations Activity. That will be the best approach for such a limited set of recommended offers. Note that the Target ‘Recommendations’ Activity type is designed for 100s to millions of unique items that need to be suggested. Please see the Target AI Activity type overview here which should help with where/when to run each Target Activity type: https://business.adobe.com/content/dam/dx/us/en/why-adobe/experience-cloud-artificial-intelligence/p...


Level 2


1) How do we set up an activity experience (eg. a pop-up when a user abandons a journey) so that a user can only see it once in a visit?

2) Linked to the above, how can we see how many times a user sees a Target test experience in a single visit? Is there an A4T dimension that can be used, for example?

3) Is it possible/recommended to set up AA tagging on specific CTAs within a pop-up banner - not a  unique page with a defined URL? CTA might be "submit", or similar.


Thanks in advance,




@danielt36113379 wrote:


1) How do we set up an activity experience (eg. a pop-up when a user abandons a journey) so that a user can only see it once in a visit?


You can set a user profile in the custom code section of the offer/experience (in Modifications panel), and then Target the Activity to visitors without that profile value (ie user.sawOffer=true).  More info on Custom Code in the Modification panel here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/experiences/vec/modifications/vec-code-editor.h...


2) Linked to the above, how can we see how many times a user sees a Target test experience in a single visit? Is there an A4T dimension that can be used, for example?


I would try building a Segment in Analytics based on Target Activity impressions. I have never done so myself but I think this should work.


3) Is it possible/recommended to set up AA tagging on specific CTAs within a pop-up banner - not a  unique page with a defined URL? CTA might be "submit", or similar.


Yes you can always set-up AA tagging on specific CTAs. One benefit of the Analytics for Target (A4T) server-side integration between Analytics and Target is that you can define a free-form click metric using Target (e.g. on a brand new CTA button you are adding to a page) using a free-form click tracking metric you visually select when building an Activity in Target .  See: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/activities/success-metrics/click-tracking.html?...





Level 2

Thanks @Jim_McTiernan - this is incredibly helpful. 


Level 1

@Jim_McTiernan How do I use Target to track multiple CTAs on a page at one time?  Some pages have multiple CTAs and it would be tedious to test all links separately.  Thank you!  [Erin Gavin from Intel UX/UI team]




@ErinMGavin67 wrote:

@Jim_McTiernan How do I use Target to track multiple CTAs on a page at one time?  Some pages have multiple CTAs and it would be tedious to test all links separately.  Thank you!  [Erin Gavin from Intel UX/UI team]


Hi Erin, please use the free-form click tracking metric I mentioned above. You can apply one success metric to multiple CTAs, and it works for both Target reporting as well as A4T reporting.  See: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/activities/success-metrics/click-tracking.html?...



Good morning everyone and welcome! I’m looking forward to answering your questions today.


Level 2

@Jim_McTiernan How can I pass a multivariable custom attribute through

https://developers.adobetarget.com/api/recommendations/#operation/saveEntities.  And then from that, how can I add a parameter matching rule in a criteria to filter on a multi value custom attribute?  


Employee Advisor

@darthzeran wrote:

@Jim_McTiernan How can I pass a multivariable custom attribute through

https://developers.adobetarget.com/api/recommendations/#operation/saveEntities.  And then from that, how can I add a parameter matching rule in a criteria to filter on a multi value custom attribute?  

Hi @darthzeran - Please refer the following documentation for sample code for passing an array through a custom entity attribute.  This is an example using the delivery API however the same approach can be used for the save entity API. - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/recommendations/entities/custom-entity-attribut... 


Additionally, below the sample code on that page, the documentation walks through how to filter / segment matching against the array.


Level 2

@mosesmaxen wrote:

@darthzeran wrote:

@Jim_McTiernan How can I pass a multivariable custom attribute through

https://developers.adobetarget.com/api/recommendations/#operation/saveEntities.  And then from that, how can I add a parameter matching rule in a criteria to filter on a multi value custom attribute?  

Hi @darthzeran - Please refer the following documentation for sample code for passing an array through a custom entity attribute.  This is an example using the delivery API however the same approach can be used for the save entity API. - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/recommendations/entities/custom-entity-attribut... 


Additionally, below the sample code on that page, the documentation walks through how to filter / segment matching against the array.

I have this page open, so I guess I need to try tor refine my question, sorry about that.

It's that that's the entities API call - how do I pass multi-value there? The documentation  has an mbox example and CSV example, but we load via target entities API calls
(the context here is because I can't use mbox or csv I can't confirm how it should look once loaded)


Employee Advisor

@darthzeran wrote:

@mosesmaxen wrote:

@darthzeran wrote:

@Jim_McTiernan How can I pass a multivariable custom attribute through

https://developers.adobetarget.com/api/recommendations/#operation/saveEntities.  And then from that, how can I add a parameter matching rule in a criteria to filter on a multi value custom attribute?  

Hi @darthzeran - Please refer the following documentation for sample code for passing an array through a custom entity attribute.  This is an example using the delivery API however the same approach can be used for the save entity API. - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/recommendations/entities/custom-entity-attribut... 


Additionally, below the sample code on that page, the documentation walks through how to filter / segment matching against the array.

I have this page open, so I guess I need to try tor refine my question, sorry about that.

It's that that's the entities API call - how do I pass multi-value there? The documentation  has an mbox example and CSV example, but we load via target entities API calls
(the context here is because I can't use mbox or csv I can't confirm how it should look once loaded)

Hi @darthzeran - Please refer to the sample code on that page.  The syntax of the attribute should be the same regardless of the API type - 

"entity.MultiValueAttribute": "[\"X\", \"Y\", \"Z\"]"

 Include this within the entity attribute fields within the save entity API.  The values then can be reviewed within the recs catalog within a few hours after import.  


Level 2

Hi @darthzeran - Please refer to the sample code on that page.  The syntax of the attribute should be the same regardless of the API type - 

"entity.MultiValueAttribute": "[\"X\", \"Y\", \"Z\"]"

 Include this within the entity attribute fields within the save entity API.  The values then can be reviewed within the recs catalog within a few hours after import.  

Cool, thanks.  It was the hours thing that was getting me


Level 2

@darthzeran wrote:

Hi @darthzeran - Please refer to the sample code on that page.  The syntax of the attribute should be the same regardless of the API type - 

"entity.MultiValueAttribute": "[\"X\", \"Y\", \"Z\"]"

 Include this within the entity attribute fields within the save entity API.  The values then can be reviewed within the recs catalog within a few hours after import.  

Cool, thanks.  It was the hours thing that was getting me


So I waited a few hours to see if it would work, but I was unable to use the attributes I was passing in to specify the audience. Is there some more documentation on multiple attributes, or some ways I can troubleshoot it?


RT - RequestBody: {
"entities": [{
"name": "Test name for the specific item",
"environment": "766",
"categories": ["NULL"],
"attributes": {
"sites": "[\"SHOPPING\"]",
"audiences": "[\"boats: Yachts\"]",
"onlyForAudiences": "[\"boats:true\"]",
"topicIds": "[\"<A_TOPIC_ID>\"]",
"categoryId": "<CATEGORY_ID>",
"mediaType": "<GENERAL_MEDIA>",
"language": "eng",
"restrictedField": "NULL",
"restrictedField2": "NULL",
"restrictedField3": "NULL"



Or is it if we try to prepare our query for having multiple items, and we only pass in 1, it fails?