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☕[AT Community Q&A Coffee Break] 12/8/21, 8am PT: Robert Calangiu, Senior Product Manager for Adobe Target☕



Join us for the next monthly Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break

taking place Wednesday, December 8th, 2021 @ 8am PT

Be sure to MARK YOUR CALENDARS with a link to this thread

We'll be joined by Robert Calangiu, aka @Robert_Calangiu,  Senior Product Manager for Adobe Target, who will be signed in here to the Adobe Target Community to chat directly with you on this thread about your Adobe Target questions pertaining to his areas of expertise:

  • Target Setup and Admin UI
  • A4T Integration
  • AEM Integration
  • General Adobe Target UI 



  • Must be signed in to the Community during the 1-hour period 
  • Must post a Question about Adobe Target
  • THAT'S IT!  *(think of this as the Adobe Target Community equivalent of an AMA, (“Ask Me Anything”), and bring your best speed-typing game) 


  • Click the blue “Reply” button at the bottom right corner of this post
  • Begin your Question with @Robert_Calangiu
  • When exchanging messages with Robert about your specific question, be sure to use the editor’s "QUOTE" button, which will indicate which post you're replying to, and will help contain your conversation with Robert

**For those who have joined an Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break before: please note that we are no longer using formal registration pages for these events - just be sure to Mark Your Calendars to sign in here to the Community on 12/8/21 @ 8am PT, and hop onto this thread for direct answers from Robert





Robert Calangiu is a Senior Product Manager responsible for evolving Adobe Target's UI.  He was in charge with redesigning the Admin UI and now he is focusing on improving the Activity UI as well as with enhancing the A4T integration. Previously, Robert worked as a product manager for Adobe’s TV Everywhere portfolio, leading Authentication & Fraud Management solutions. He is passionate about building customer centric products and helping customers solve the right problems.


Curious about what an Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break looks like? Be sure to check out our past 2020 Adobe Target Coffee Breaks, covering a WIDE variety of Adobe Target topics, and our latest thread from our 9/8/21 Adobe Target Coffee Break with @vishalchordia  


Topics help categorize Community content and increase your ability to discover relevant content.

52 Replies



We don't have any immediate plans here.



Good morning everyone! It's great to be here to chat with you today.


Level 1

Hi @Robert_Calangiu a couple of questions on Target setup:

  1. Are there plans to perhaps have a collision warning pop up for individuals setting up a new experiment that "collides" with a current Live experiment?
  2. Are there plans to update the Activities UI for more efficient searching (e.g., by the Creator, Date of Creation) or to choose how many search items return on a page (e.g., 50, 100, 150, etc.)?


Level 3

Great idea with the collision warning.  That's bitten me a couple of times.


With the searching, why not allow users to organize the activities in folders as well?



Hi @mnvalentine ,

1. For Collisions we have the Activity Overview - Collisions tab right now which displays all the activities using a certain mbox or a certain URL. We don't have a "live" mechanism or pop-up for when the user creates the activity but that's a good feature request  

2. We have in plan to improve searching across Activities UI but no clear timeline for now. 


Level 1

Thanks for the response @Robert_Calangiu I hope the team will consider adding the Activities UI functionality mentioned here, including the use of folders as mentioned by @aablank1 below. 

We have a Chrome Extension that helps with collision and helps understand the order of Activities and offers:






Level 4

Hi Amelia and @Robert_Calangiu


First time chiming in here, but given the topic, I had four questions that were related to A4T integration.


1. Activity Conversions is huge for many of the companies I work with but the 60 second limitation for "clicked an element" limits us from taking advantage of this functionality - are enhancements in place to lengthen this window of time?  


2. In Analytics Workspace, users can create segments on Activity Participation but it would be ideal if we could create Segments based on visitors that where part of Activity Converions. 


3.  In Analytics Workspace, can "Activity Impressions" and "Activity Conversions" default to same-touch attribution model?  


4.  Beers on me at the next Adobe Summit if you could update the Target APIs so that we can get the friendly name of Workspace names that Activity's are associated with.  Currently, the /Activities endpoint only provides a numerical value for an Activity with no way to connect it to the Friendly name in the UI.  

Hi Brian,


Thanks for the questions!


1. Can you please elaborate more on the "60 seconds limitation" - how does it manifest and why it's a struggle?

2. This is something that I need to check with Analytics team and get back to you

3. If you are using the A4T panel in Analysis Workspace, then the attribution model should be set by default to "Same-touch". Otherwise, if you are creating a new freeform panel then you need to modify it.

4. I'll log this as a enhancement request


Thank you @Robert_Calangiu - awesome stuff and keep up the fine work you all are doing! 


1. I am referring to this (search the page for "60").  The issue comes into play if you are using click tracking and the visitor doesn't click on the element in the first 60 second.  That data is lost.  https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/activities/success-metrics/click-tracking.html?...


2.  Sweet! 


3.  Understood and yes, for freeform panel.  I've had many clients not understand the need to change this and there seems no good reason to not have both of these dimensions default to 'same-touch' for freeform table because that is really the only attribution level users would want. 


4.  Beers at Summit!  






Level 2

We'd like to personalize content using information from the page data layer. Are there basic instructions for pulling data layer information for Targeting in the VEC? 


Level 4

Best to use TargetPageParams function to grab this data from the dataLayer to pass to mbox requests.  It works great.  


Ideally, though, it would be great to have something in the UI that reads the dataLayer to construct an Audience just like the 'custom' section stores mbox parameters for use.  


Related and interesting - in the free version of Optimize, users use this mechanism to hack into features available on the paid version.  


Level 4

@Robert_Calangiu I'm likely in the minority in that I am using Adobe Target alongside Google Analytics. Without Analytics for Target, the reporting in Target seems hamstrung. An example for one of the most basic missing features is reporting (impressions and conversions) export by date. One can use the API to generate this, but this seems like a feature that should be part of the Adobe Target feature set and shouldn't require the additional Analytics for Target integration. Does Adobe intend on expanding the reporting capabilities of Adobe Target? 

I second this request big time!   At MiaProva, we automatically generate graphs of visitor/visit distribution by day, and with each new client, we can only do that going forward for non-A4T Activities because of this limitation.  


Level 4

Hi @zach_shearer  - We have a both a shiny new installation of Adobe Analytics and Target (but no A4T integration yet) and a legacy Google Analytics setup. I've added some JS to several Target activities to fire events into the Google data layer then set up tags in GTM to catch the data and push it into GA events. So for example, I can segment GA users into A or B Target experience groups, then look at activity conversions and other user behavior. If you're already doing custom JS tags in GTM, then it's easy to add script snippets to your Target activities. Not an ideal solution, but...


Level 4

HI @davidl55903031 , I'm basically doing the same. I loop through all of the activities and send an "activity view" event to Google Analytics. For each activity, I loop through the links and build a click listener using a data-adobe-target-click attribute that I add the to the experience code. I have noticed some issues with colliding experiences, but can untangle those with specific activity ids built into the listener and in slicing data during analysis. 


Like you said, not an ideal solution! I'd love to see Adobe adopt a platform agnostic solution for Analytics for Target, but I understand why they want for people to use Adobe Analytics. 



Hi Zach,


We have in plan to improve the Target reporting export functionality next year so users can export all the needed data from the UI as well.



Level 1
Level 1

@Robert_Calangiu Can you please elaborate a bit more on integration with AEM and what are the limitations. What would be an ideal integration with target on an AEM platform look like. We currently have an external integration with DOM based A/B tests and performance is an issue.



Hi Apr,


Thank you for your question!

There are three different approaches for using AEM and Target:

Scenario 1: Personalization using AEM Experience Fragment Offers

Scenario 2: Personalization using Visual Experience Composer (VEC)

Scenario 3: Personalization of full web page experiences


Step by step integration instructions for each of these use cases can be found in the documentation, AEM and Adobe Target.


If you run into any product issues with your current integration, Adobe's Client Care team may be able to assist. Please email customercare@adobe.com in order to open a support ticket.


Level 4

@Robert_Calangiu Does Adobe have plans to expand on reporting on audiences? I'd love to see basic audience size metrics for the audiences that I have configured. This would be especially helpful to validate audiences from linked sources like the Marketo integration. I.e., of those on my static list in Marketo, how many of those users are also in my "visited key product page" audience generated by a profile script and profile parameter when users reach that page. 



No immediate plans here on audience reporting inside Target.