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[Adobe Target RELEASE NOTES] Target Standard/Premium 23.10.2 (October 24, 2023)




Target Standard/Premium 23.10.2 (October 24, 2023)

This release contains the following enhancements and fixes:

  • Enhanced the new Activities UI so that the Visual Experience Composer (VEC) opens with the default settings for selectorCriteria when creating a new activity. (TGT-46586)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some customers from editing elements in Composer mode when using the VEC. (TGT-46470)
  • Added the ability to specify a generic preferred selector when using custom attributes. (TGT-46545)
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented an Auto-Target report that uses Analytics for Target (A4T) from displaying in the Target UI, even though the report displayed correctly in Adobe Analysis Workspace. (TGT-46494)
  • Updated various localized strings in the Target UI. (TGT-18899)

For more Adobe Target release notes, check out Target Release Notes (current)