Expand my Community achievements bar.

July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

When I create a field to expand, how do I make the text beneath that field move down the page so that it is not overlapping text?


Former Community Member

I have a form that I want the text fields to expand to fit more text. But the text overlaps onto information that follows the text field. I want this expanding field to push the following text down the page as needed so no overlapping occurs and no scroll bar is present. Any information is appreciated!

7 Replies


Former Community Member

It looks like in 2009 this was a hot topic, obviously I am behind on the technology. Never used LiveCycle Designer before and cannot locate how to make the page "flowed". Still trying to figure this one out! Thanks in advance.


Former Community Member

I figured out how to make the page "flowed" but the expanding field is still overlapping the text that follows it on the page.


Level 2

Have you checked to make sure the form is saved as "dynamic" vs static?

If your subforms are set to "flowed" it should work.


Former Community Member

Hi - I struggled with this when I was beginning also...

Check that your second page subform is set to flowed as it will need to shift down, mess around with the subforms . I use positioned subforms in a flowed 'container' so the main subformed is set to flowed with positioned subforms within it.

Hope this helps



Former Community Member

Yes, it is saved as dynamic. And I have set my subform to "flowed". It is still not working. I imagine it is the tiniest setting I am still unable to locate.


Former Community Member

I am super new to this and I am working with a trial program currently, would that maybe have something to do with my capabilities? I appreciate all your help and advice! My document does not have a second page currently so I am not sure what you are referring to when you mention "second page subform" and I have not yet located or figured out "container" So far I have simply wrapped all the information into a subform I want to move down the page as text is expanded in a field above that, this is set to "flowed". If I could attach the document here I would. A class on this program would be wonderful!


Level 2

Make sure that you allow the height of the text area and subform to expand. In the layout tab (Shift+F9), make sure the height is set to "expand to fit". You'll want to do this with your floating fields, as well.