Hello,I want to force the user to select a value in the drop-down list before she can move on the the next field. for instances, I have a drop-down list A, whose default value is empty. as the user clicks on the next field, I need to throw a warning that she needs to select the value for drop-dow...
Hell guys,I am trying to create this table that will auto populate the item description and price once the item code is entered in the fist column. I have been using the "purchase template" from the samples to achieve this. The way they did it was creating variable array and from there pulling the d...
With LiveCycle, I've created an interactive form for Help Desk-type requests, and the form works beautifully. I've tested it, and everything works. Show. Hide, Clear fields. And all the other behaviors I added with Action Builder.As a final design feature, on my local machine at work, I added a head...
Hi,I am having a look at the standard Integration between Siebel and Adobe Livecycle. From Siebel Documentation, it is not completely clear how the PDFs are created from Siebel Consumer Data. I understand that a standard Outbound Webservice (provided by Adobe) must be created for this, but how does ...
HelloFor some reason the have used the TEXT FIELD object for numeric data input field.Actually, user has to always enter numeric data ONLY.No decimals, no commas, no alphabetical characters allowed except numbers.(Syststem should not allow user enter non-allowed data at all....i mean to say, when we...
Hello Experts,I have a form that uses the following javascript to calculate a total:this.rawValue = Qty1.rawValue * UnitPrice1.rawValue * Calc1.rawValue ;The script works fine, but I am looking for another option where I can also enter just the value in the "Total" field (and leave the qty, unit pri...
Hi everyone, I am very bad at Java, I can usually get by reading it alright but do not know enough syntax to write anything. I have been reading for the past couple hours and can't find any tutorial or discussion for the script I am trying to create. I want to have a drop down box with 3 options: ...
HelloI put CONTRACT START DATE and CONTRACT END DATE fields on the form. These 2 objects (Date/Time objjects) i pulled them from Satndard tab of pallette and dropped on my layout page design, fine.Now, am trying to put a validation that the end dat eshould not lower than start date, so, i got a thre...
I created our organizational chart in Livecycle Designer. (It doesn't "do" anything; it's just a flat document with no subforms, checkboxes, etc.) Each employee's name is in a text box. The text boxes are all named similarly, starting with the word 'Employee' follwed by the employee's name. For...
Hello,I have a group of radio button questions within a dynamic form that display additional questions based on the answer.So for the question "Is there a basement?" if the user indicates yes, there is a basement, additional questions are displayed to gather more information about the basement. If t...