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What provides user task routes behave as submit butons? IE8 problem


Level 3

Hello everyone,

Maybe it looks simple, but we are troubling with a real serious problem.

We upgraded from LiveCycle ES to LiveCyle ES2.

In Workspace2 there are user tasks which have simple xdp forms to submit.

To submit the forms and complete the task, users have many routes to selet one to complete the task.

This worked fine in version 8.2 with Workspace.

After upgrading, it is also working fine with Firefox.

But problem with IE8.

We can use both version simultaneously (8.2 and 9.0).

On the same client, with the same IE8, old version works but 9.0 not.

What can be the difference in Workspace or whtever that IE8 cannot understand but Firefox can?

I checked all Flash and Reader versions, all OK.

Please help!

Thanks in advance


4 Replies


Former Community Member

Hi Sedat

I'm not clear as to what problem you are experiencing.

Are you not seeing routes appear as submit buttons in Workspace?

Please clarify.

There was a problem with IE8 and ES2. You could try this:

"Using LiveCycle Workspace ES2 on Internet Explorer 8 on Windows XP or Windows 2003

To use Workspace ES2 on Internet Explorer 8 on a Windows XP or Windows 2003 machine, you must first download the following patch:


Otherwise, initialization errors will occur."



Level 3

Hi Diana, yes exactly.

I just attached the screen shots.

One is version 8.2 Workspace ES, the other upgraded version 9.0 Workspace ES2.

On new version, you will see that buttons are missing.

This patch we already have.


Former Community Member

Hi Sedat

Based on my understanding of the problem, I tried to reproduce this issue and could not.

There must be something different about your setup that I am missing.

Can you confirm a few more things for me?

1) Is the ES2 process and form exactly the same as the 8.2 version process and form, except that it has been upgraded?
In other words, has the form and process on ES2 been modifed or is it still running as an 8.x process.

2) Are you running SP2 on your ES2 machine?

3) If the buttons are not appearing in the Workspace chrome on IE8, are they appearing in the form itself or just not appearing at all?



Level 3

Hi Diana,

1) Yes exactly, the same; running as 8.x process.

2) Yes.

3) Chrome: working fine, Firefox: working fine, problem only IE8 (for the original 8.2 IE8 working fine).

On the form only a button appears (which should not be there); "Submit" writing on it.

Thanks for your interest
