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Upgrade Playback to SDK 2.1


Level 3

Hi LCCS Team:

I am tweaking the playback to use LCCS 2.1 SDK and I haven't been able to bring up a recording yet.  I have been trying to play back on particular recording with no luck today.  Sometimes I get connected as follows:

Thu Oct 27 13:35:04 GMT-0500 2011    LCCS SDK Version : 2.1.0    Player Version : WIN 10,3,181,34

13:35:04 GMT-0500    requestInfo https://na2.collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/twvending/10272011113315281?guk=ZzpwbGF5YmFjaw==&mode=x...

13:35:04 GMT-0500    #TicketService# ticket received: 1fihju5qkhbac

13:35:04 GMT-0500    Getting FMS at https://na2.collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/fms?ticket=1fihju5qkhbac&playback=session&proto=rtmfp, attempt #1/3

13:35:05 GMT-0500    result: <fms>





13:35:05 GMT-0500    protocols: [object ProtocolPortPair],[object ProtocolPortPair]

13:35:05 GMT-0500    [attempt 1 of 2] Connecting to 0/1: rtmfp://fms1.acrobat.com/playback/na2-sdk-e80bc473-6f16-41ac-adcb-67e01950cd72/10272011113315281/session #startProtosConnect#

13:35:05 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 0/2,NetConnection.Connect.Success

13:35:05 GMT-0500    isTunneling? false

13:35:05 GMT-0500    is using RTMPS? false

13:35:05 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1804 fms connected: [Event type="connected" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2]

And other times I NetConnection.Connect.Rejected until reaching the maximum number of attempts.

Thanks for listening,


10 Replies


Level 3

I spoke too soon!  I was able to successfully get the recording to playback, but it was about the 8th try. Any reason I'm unable to get it the first time?

13:44:29 GMT-0500    protocols: [object ProtocolPortPair],[object ProtocolPortPair]

13:44:29 GMT-0500    [attempt 1 of 2] Connecting to 0/1: rtmfp://fms1.acrobat.com/playback/na2-sdk-e80bc473-6f16-41ac-adcb-67e01950cd72/10272011113315281/session #startProtosConnect#

13:44:29 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 0/2,NetConnection.Connect.Success

13:44:29 GMT-0500    isTunneling? false

13:44:29 GMT-0500    is using RTMPS? false

13:44:29 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1338 fms connected: [Event type="connected" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2]

13:44:29 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1471 receiveLogin:

13:44:29 GMT-0500      . [object]

13:44:29 GMT-0500        \\

13:44:29 GMT-0500        .options [object]=

13:44:29 GMT-0500        .ticket [string]= 1uz5f74z1l2as

13:44:29 GMT-0500        .descriptor [object]= [object Object]

13:44:29 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1473 ======= onConnected: play __PacingStream

13:44:29 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1611 ======= onMetadata: play __StreamOffsets

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1804 ======= receiveStreamOffset session/default_WebCamera, 53

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1804 ======= receiveStreamOffset session/FileManager, 77

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1804 ======= receiveStreamOffset session/AVManager, 106

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1804 ======= receiveStreamOffset session/RoomManager, 129

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1804 ======= receiveStreamOffset session/UserManager, 152

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1804 ======= receiveStreamOffset session/01849D77-C264-0BC3-2675-463E6F48C697, 177

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1804 ======= receiveStreamOffset session/813F5C4A-F4DD-0F48-5611-463E6E2EFE34, 186

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1804 ======= receiveStreamOffset session/29293DC6-0CA3-F0E4-852D-463E899D61E3, 11640

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1805 ======= receiveStreamOffset session/D74B12FF-1998-2DBD-1D20-463E8BA097B9, 11666

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1805 ======= receiveStreamOffset session/35F6594C-C1B8-2CB9-2356-4642B5026C72, 201713

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1805 ======= onOffsetStreamPlayStatus

13:44:30 GMT-0500      . [object]

13:44:30 GMT-0500        \\

13:44:30 GMT-0500        .duration [number]= 0

13:44:30 GMT-0500        .code [string]= NetStream.Play.Complete

13:44:30 GMT-0500        .level [string]= status

13:44:30 GMT-0500        .bytes [number]= 1322

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1922 realReceiveLogin:

13:44:30 GMT-0500      . [object]

13:44:30 GMT-0500        \\

13:44:30 GMT-0500        .descriptor [object]= [object Object]


13:44:30 GMT-0500      .user descriptor from server [object]

13:44:30 GMT-0500        \\

13:44:30 GMT-0500        .affiliation [number]= 10

13:44:30 GMT-0500        .userID [number]= 0

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1924 ======= subscribeCollection root

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1925 ======= subscribeCollection __RootCollection - play

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 2089 ======= subscribeCollection UserManager - play

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 2090 ======= subscribeCollection FileManager - play

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 2091 ======= subscribeCollection AVManager - play

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 2091 ======= subscribeCollection RoomManager - play

13:44:30 GMT-0500    RECEIVENODES UserManager

13:44:30 GMT-0500    receiveAllSynchData UserManager

13:44:30 GMT-0500    RECEIVENODES FileManager

13:44:30 GMT-0500    RECEIVENODES AVManager

13:44:30 GMT-0500    receiveAllSynchData FileManager

13:44:30 GMT-0500    checkManagerSync:[object FileManager]

13:44:30 GMT-0500    RECEIVENODES RoomManager

13:44:30 GMT-0500    checkManagerSync:[object UserManager]

13:44:30 GMT-0500    receiveAllSynchData RoomManager

13:44:30 GMT-0500    checkManagerSync:[object RoomManager]

13:44:30 GMT-0500    receiveAllSynchData AVManager

13:44:30 GMT-0500    checkManagerSync:[object StreamManager]

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 2426 ======= subscribeCollection default_WebCamera - play

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 2481 seek and play

13:44:30 GMT-0500    RECEIVENODES default_WebCamera

13:44:30 GMT-0500    receiveAllSynchData default_WebCamera

13:44:30 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 2606 seek and play

13:44:42 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 13988 seek and play

13:44:42 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 13992 seek and play

13:47:52 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 204055 seek and play

13:51:49 GMT-0500    The total stream limit for P2P streams have

13:51:49 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 440826 seek and play

13:51:49 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 440828 seek and play

13:51:49 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 440830 seek and play

13:51:49 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 440832 seek and play

13:51:49 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 440835 seek and play


Level 4

Hi Eric,

I suspect that on your previous tries archive zip was still not fully downloaded by LCCS service from your WebDAV repository. Was this a particularly large recording?

In the client debug, you will see "receiveLogin" only after the archive is ready on LCCS side.

I will take a peek at your logs on our servers and see if I can gather more valuable information. In the meantime, I would suggest you look atyour WebDAV server's logs; they may also contain some hints about what went on.




Level 3

Thanks Nikola:

I will be able to look into the webdav server today and try to get some information from that end.  This was a relatively medium recording and we are now cutting the video conferences off at 15 mins each in order to attempt to eliminate this playback loading issue.  I believe this one was around 31 M.  Is receiveLogin an event that I can look for on the client end?  In order to display an error or no?

Thanks again,



Level 4


The receiveLogin callback happens when LCCS service loads up the archive zip and it's ready to go.  There shouldn't be any substantial delay in user experience after receiveLogin.




Level 3

Another Update:

I'm tailing my access_log for webdav, and do not see the GET request when I am requesting one particular recording. 

Ok, it showed up after a good 15 mins of waiting, but my client side does not update any further than below when the GET command shows in the log.

The particular recording I am testing is 66M, and we will not have anything longer than that in the future because we are now cutting video off at 15 mins.

Mon Oct 31 12:25:00 GMT-0500 2011    LCCS SDK Version : 2.1.0    Player Version : WIN 10,3,181,34

12:25:00 GMT-0500    requestInfo https://na2.collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/twvending/10262011110850406?guk=ZzpwbGF5YmFjaw==&mode=x...

12:25:00 GMT-0500    #TicketService# ticket received: 1ae1duozl6qn2

12:25:00 GMT-0500    Getting FMS at https://na2.collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/fms?ticket=1ae1duozl6qn2&playback=session&proto=rtmfp, attempt #1/3

12:25:01 GMT-0500    result: <fms>





12:25:01 GMT-0500    protocols: [object ProtocolPortPair],[object ProtocolPortPair]

12:25:01 GMT-0500    [attempt 1 of 2] Connecting to 0/1: rtmfp://fms1.acrobat.com/playback/na2-sdk-e80bc473-6f16-41ac-adcb-67e01950cd72/10262011110850406/session #startProtosConnect#

12:25:01 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 0/2,NetConnection.Connect.Success

12:25:01 GMT-0500    isTunneling? false

12:25:01 GMT-0500    is using RTMPS? false

12:25:01 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1274 fms connected: [Event type="connected" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2]

Thanks for your time,



Level 4

Hi Eric,

Could you post the complete access_log line for that GET request?  I think that one on the items in the log line should be the time it took the server to service the request.  Furthermore, I think that access_log will print out the line when it has completed servicing the request so, at this point, we are looking at 15 minute download for your 66Mb recording.

I am not sure why your client debug log stopped, but it could have been some timeout somewhere. 




Level 3

Playing the large recording further I'm getting:

"The total stream limit for P2P streams have exceeded" 3 times and then "mainNetStatusHandler: NetConnection.Connect.Closed"

12:41:18 GMT-0500    The total stream limit for P2P streams have exceeded

12:41:18 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 978618 seek and play

12:41:18 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 978619 seek and play

12:43:33 GMT-0500    mainNetStatusHandler: NetConnection.Connect.Closed

12:43:35 GMT-0500    [attempt 1 of 2] Connecting to 0/1: rtmfp://fms1.acrobat.com/playback/na2-sdk-e80bc473-6f16-41ac-adcb-67e01950cd72/10262011110850406/session #startProtosConnect#

12:43:36 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 0/2,NetConnection.Connect.Rejected

12:43:36 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 0/2,NetConnection.Connect.Closed

12:43:40 GMT-0500    [attempt 1 of 2] Connecting to 1/1: rtmps://fms1.acrobat.com/playback/na2-sdk-e80bc473-6f16-41ac-adcb-67e01950cd72/10262011110850406/session #onNextConnectTimer#

12:43:44 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 1/2,NetConnection.Connect.Rejected

12:43:44 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 1/2,NetConnection.Connect.Closed

12:43:48 GMT-0500    onTimeOutTimerComplete

12:43:48 GMT-0500    [attempt 1 of 2] Trying fallback tunneling connection rtmps://fms1.acrobat.com/playback/na2-sdk-e80bc473-6f16-41ac-adcb-67e01950cd72/10262011110850406/session #onTimeOutTimerComplete#

12:43:50 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 0/2,NetConnection.Connect.Rejected

12:43:50 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 0/2,NetConnection.Connect.Closed

12:43:56 GMT-0500    onTimeOutTimerComplete

12:43:56 GMT-0500              incOriginsIndex: _originsIndex now:0 (origin:fms1.acrobat.com)

12:43:56 GMT-0500    [attempt 2 of 2] Connecting to 0/1: rtmfp://fms1.acrobat.com/playback/na2-sdk-e80bc473-6f16-41ac-adcb-67e01950cd72/10262011110850406/session #startProtosConnect#

12:43:57 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 0/2,NetConnection.Connect.Rejected

12:43:57 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 0/2,NetConnection.Connect.Closed

12:44:02 GMT-0500    [attempt 2 of 2] Connecting to 1/1: rtmps://fms1.acrobat.com/playback/na2-sdk-e80bc473-6f16-41ac-adcb-67e01950cd72/10262011110850406/session #onNextConnectTimer#

12:44:05 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 1/2,NetConnection.Connect.Rejected

12:44:05 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 1/2,NetConnection.Connect.Closed

12:44:10 GMT-0500    onTimeOutTimerComplete

12:44:10 GMT-0500    [attempt 2 of 2] Trying fallback tunneling connection rtmps://fms1.acrobat.com/playback/na2-sdk-e80bc473-6f16-41ac-adcb-67e01950cd72/10262011110850406/session #onTimeOutTimerComplete#

12:44:11 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 0/2,NetConnection.Connect.Rejected

12:44:11 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 0/2,NetConnection.Connect.Closed

12:44:18 GMT-0500    onTimeOutTimerComplete

12:44:18 GMT-0500              incOriginsIndex: _originsIndex now:0 (origin:fms1.acrobat.com)

12:44:18 GMT-0500    startProtosConnect calling onDoneRetryingTimerComplete

12:44:18 GMT-0500    Getting FMS at https://na2.collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/fms?ticket=null&connect-error=true&origin=fms1.acrobat...., attempt #2/3

12:44:18 GMT-0500    result: <fms>



12:44:18 GMT-0500    #SessionManagerPlayback 1158396 receiveError:

12:44:18 GMT-0500      . [string]

12:44:18 GMT-0500        \\

Error: invalid-ticket

Thanks for the eyes:



Level 3

Here is the access_log line: - - [31/Oct/2011:12:26:13 -0500] "GET /dav/na2-sdk-e80bc473-6f16-41ac-adcb-67e01950cd72_x002F_10262011110850406_x002F_session.zip HTTP/1.1" 200 69642207 "-" "curl/7.15.5 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.15.5 OpenSSL/0.9.8b zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.5"


Former Community Member

Hi Eric,

As you can see from the below link, we're experiencing the same exact problem, which we're not able to solve yet.


I don't know how relevant is this, but, are you using IIS WebDAV?



Level 3

Hi Baris:

We are currently using web dav for apache on a linux box, and not IIS.  Thank you for the information though.

