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Problem running customized workspace over SSL


Level 1


If we try to run our customized workspace over SSL, we get the following error in the trace: ******* a fault event occurred: An error occurred while initializing Workspace. (ALC-WKS-007-049)

So the login stuff completed successfully… but then the error occurs while initializing the workspace.

In the trace we can also see, that a service from the workspace still tries to connect over http but with the secure port: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xx:8443/workspace-server/messagebroker/amfpolling

When we use the Internet-Explorer, the problem only occurs at the first login. The second time all works fine.

Unfortunately we can’t solve the problem when using other browsers (Firefox, Safari. Etc.)

It would be great if anybody could give a hint.


We use the following version of livecycle:

Version: 8.2.1, GM

Patch Version: SP2

Service Pack Version: 8.2.2353.1.195587.2


----------------- AuthenticatingApplication constructed at 3729ms.

----------------- createComponentsFromDescriptors called at 3761ms.

[SWF] /xyz/workspace-theme.swf - 496,567 bytes after decompression

Finished loading Theme at 3997ms.

----------------- init called at 3998ms.

Workspace channel created: id=workspace-polling-amf, url=

----------------- checkLogin --------

singleSignOn: SSO login

login:, time = 4053 ms.

******* a fault event occurred: credential check:  credentials not found.  login is required. (ALC-WKS-007-149)

----------------- showLogin called at 4240ms.

[SWF] /xyz/LoadingCircle.swf - 673 bytes after decompression

----------------- doAuthenticate called at 10171ms.

login: credentials

login:, time = 10176 ms.

sendWorkspaceLogin:, time = 10357ms.

sendWorkspaceLogin exit:, time = 10363ms.


loginSuccessHandler: time = 10455ms.

Workspace channel created: id=null, url=

authentication expires in 6899s; re-authenticate timer set for 6869s.

========== initialize()

handleChannelFault - faultCode=Channel.Connect.Failed, NetConnection.Call.BadVersion: : url: ''

******* a fault event occurred: An error occurred while initializing Workspace. (ALC-WKS-007-049)

******* a fault event occurred: An error occurred while initializing Workspace. (ALC-WKS-007-049)

----------------- showLogin called at 10526ms.

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 4
3 Replies


Correct answer by
Level 4


Level 1

Thank you very much for your answer. That's it! :-)

We had a little problem with this quick fix.

After deploying it on the server the workspace-runtime.swc in the folder \LiveCycle_ES_SDK\misc\Process_Management\Workspace\ have not been updated.

But I found the new swc-file in the deploy folder of the jBoss.

Thank you for your help!

Kind regards,



Former Community Member

Hi Michel/NW987,

I would like to configure the SSL to run with the customized workspace but could not make it work by following the instructions in the Adobe document "Administering LiveCycle ES". Do you have any document for the configuration of SSL? If so, can you please share it here. I would appreciate much.

Thanks in advance,

Han Dao