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No Recording Storage URl is Set. Session will not be recorded


Level 2

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to run the recording example, but once I hit the record button I got this error:

"No Recording Storage URl is Set. Session will not be recorded

at com.adobe.rtc.session.managers::SessionManagerBase/receiveError()[/Users/arun/Work/aponnusa_theoden.corp.adobe.com_1666/depot/branches/connect/1106/cocomoPlayer10/src/com/adobe/rtc/session/managers/SessionManagerBase.as:324]

at com.adobe.rtc.session.managers::SessionManagerFMS/receiveError()[/Users/arun/Work/aponnusa_theoden.corp.adobe.com_1666/depot/branches/connect/1106/cocomoPlayer10/src/com/adobe/rtc/session/managers/SessionManagerFMS.as:309]

at com.adobe.rtc.session.managers::SessionManagerAdobeHostedServices/receiveError()[/Users/arun/Work/aponnusa_theoden.corp.adobe.com_1666/depot/branches/connect/1106/cocomoPlayer10/src/com/adobe/rtc/session/managers/SessionManagerAdobeHostedServices.as:284]


I tried the "lccs_10_3Beta.swc", but with no luck, I read many threads, but I got confused. Also I wrote to Julien Levadoux to become a beta participant, but he told me that service is open for a public now.

Please give me any tips to help me run the recording app.

You help is highly appreciated


8 Replies


Former Community Member

Hi Suha,

I directed you to the following post Nikola made when we went from private beta to public beta:


You are getting this error because you do not have a repository setup. Before recording anything, you need a place to store the files generated so that you can play them back later.

fyi - Nigel is in the process of updating our documentation so it should be a lot easier to get started with the Recording & Playback feature once that's done.



LCCS Quality Engineering


Level 4

Just to add to what Julien wrote, please refer to "LCCS-RecordingandPlaybackHOWTO_060511.pdf" attachment in the aforementioned Recording Public Beta forum posting.




Level 4

Suha, yeah you need to setup the webdav repo ( server side ) for the incoming .zip files (recorded sessions). Once you do that and start recording, I'm assuming you are using the sample app provided with LCCS SDK, then you'll see them poping up as ....._defaultArchive....zip files on your server.

Alex G.


Level 2

Hi everyone,

Thanks for trying helping me. I just want to clarify few points:

1- Now I have installed the Tomcat server on my Mac, the next step will be Register the endpoint by using LCCS API. I'm I right?

     - does that mean, that I need to pick the way to communicate with server by using PHP/ Java...etc, so in this case I need to go to the readme.txt and follow the instructions to Invoke LCCS server API and setting web Hooks. Is this right?

2- In the PDF file "LCCS-RecordingandPlaybackHOWTO_060511", in the "Repository server authentication" paragraph . Do I need to follow any instructions there, or its just some useful information to help us understand Repository server authentication?

Thank you again for all your help



Level 4

Shold be as simple as:

1) Make sure your Mac is visible to the outside world/externally so Adobe's servers can send the .zip files to your Mac.

  * might want to make sure you are not exposed to hackers, so lock down your system maybe to Adobe's IP/hosts ( a bit more info: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/868922 )

2) Setup your webDAV repo

3) "Register the endpoint" says to look at documentation that doesn't exist yet... but you have to run the one command to "handshake" with Adobe. Should look something like this:

4) Record a session. Since you'll use the username and pass from above command, you'l be able to record and receive the recorded session ( .zip ) in your webdav.

Hope that helps,

Alex G.


Level 2

Thank you Alex,

Just to make sure, from where can I get the <account id>? Is it the same as my room URL? or some thing else.

And If If I want to save the video on my external server like go daddy or any other server, not on my computer, What should I do?

Again many thanks for all your help



Former Community Member

Hi Suha,


I haven't used goDaddy - as long as they give you WebDav/PUT access to a

folder, it should work.



Level 4

Hi Suha,

If you login to your LCCS dev portal account, you will see your account in the "Account Details" section (bottom left).  Account URL is https://server/<acount>.

