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Memory issues in Workbench ES2


Former Community Member

Jasmin, Jayan, Paul, Anyone?  Having some problems.  We had been built a process with Workbench ES2 while connected to a 32 bit LiveCycle ES2 server.  Everything worked fine with the process there.  I could record and playback process instances.  I exported the process and imported to a 64 bit LiveCycle ES2 server.  Now, when I connect via workbench to the 64 bit server, and try to do anything with this process, I run out of memory.  My desktop is 32 bit OS.  I changed the Xmx setting to 1024 but it still runs out of memory very quickly.  Even without my process open, it runs very sluggishly.  Adobe Platinum Enterprise Support seems to think I need a 64 bit OS on the client where workbench is installed, but that does not make sense. 

Searching through the forums here, we also found to add -Xincgc and -XX:SurvivorRatio32.  This did not help either.

Thoughts anyone?

4 Replies


Level 3

Have you increased your workbench memory management settings?


C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe LiveCycle Workbench ES2\workbench\workbench.ini

Change the 3rd and 4th lines to below:


IIRC, default is 64 and 256

All that said, I still run into problems.  I also have a 32bit desktop and 64bit server.  I agree that it makes no sense to upgrade your desktop.  If anything, that probably will cause you more problems.


Former Community Member


Please find some of the details below that you can might check:

C:\Adobe\Adobe LiveCycle ES2\jboss\bin

Open the run.bat file -

find a line  which is responsible for   heap size ==>>"set JAVA_HEAP_ARGS=-XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m"

Ideally - the max heap size should be 1344m, you can't have this increased further under 32bit environment.

Check this and set this to the appropriate levels as this is very important.

In case in the error logs you are getting any transactions timeouts -

If you encounter OutOfMemoryError messages in the application server log, you must increase the transaction time-out value. The recommended value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

1- open [appserver root]\server\conf\jboss.services.xml by text editor

2- Locate the attribute elemen that has the name attribute  with value TransactionTimeout

    <attribute name ="TransactionTimeout">300</attribute>

3- Modify the value (300) to be  a larger number as required

4- save jboss.services.xml and restart the server

32-bit JDK environments on Windows only permit up to 1.2 GB of Java heap size.

Given this, deploy only those LiveCycle components you actually plan to use.

Also, It Doesn't make sense that the OS should be updated to a higher Version (64bit OS), you can ask the Adobe Technical support (platinum) to check the supported matrix related to your Environment for the well supported versions according to the combination you are running. They have the tested environment specifications in which the environments that would sucessfully work well documented.

Hope it helps,




Former Community Member

Hi Pushkar,

Do you think changing the server settings will help me with workbench on the client?



Former Community Member

Hi Eric,

There can be two possibilities under which these settings should be changed or require some research for change according to the utilization or concurent users connecting for development or utilization of the LC Orchestration or its services: -

1. LC Server (Managing the Connections)/Container for hosting the services : JVM (32 bit/ 64 bit), RAM (System hardware Configurations)

    i. When the Resources of the LC Server are getting increased.

    ii. When the concurrent users(LC Workbench/Services/Process invocations/Orchestration Utilization/development) connecting to LC Server for development is increased.

2. LC Workbench (Client App): Utilizes these connections to manage the resources and services for development.

Hence, if you have a scenario where in the Users from LC Workbench connecting to the LC Server is increasing you need to have a suitable JVM and its settings to manage the concurrent users connections and the resources appropriately at the LC Server level as well as LC Workbench Level. (Changes in LC WB can be done in Workbench.ini related to Xmx, Xms parameters).

(please see that these changes should be done only for those environments which have been followed (during installation) according to the supported LC Matrix for Dev/Prod).

Hope it helps,

