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How we pay for LCCS service?


Level 1


Please provide me the details of calculate the price for the service provided by LCCS service.

4 Replies


Former Community Member

We do not share the details publicly about price calculation. However, for greater usage, you can use our peak concurrency option that gives you unlimited usage per concurrent user. You can mail to lccs@adobe.com with details about your project requirements and we will be able to assist you on pricing.

Hope this helps


Hironmay Basu



Princing is described in this post: http://forums.adobe.com/message/2292267

Basically the model is pay per use, but with a cap (you decide the maximum amount you want to spend per month) and price is calculated based on number of messages exchanged, total data transferred and the time your user are connected to a room.


Level 1

Hi Hironmay,

Thanks for the useful information.


Level 1

Hi Raff.,

Thanks for the information.