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Hidden subform issue


Level 4

I have a form that includes a series of hidden subforms. One hidden subfrom, when called up and when one of its checkboxes is clicked, is supposed to call up different hidden subforms. These last subfroms reside on a different page. I usually use a simple script to call up hidden forms and it works just fine...until now. It won't call up the last subform. It seems that the last subform won't present because it is on a different page.  I dont know why that shold matter, but it seems to.

I've attached the form I am working on. The problem is in getting MathAcc to present on page 3 when LATMathEng on page 2 is checked.

Thanks so, so much to anyone who can help me out.

22 Replies


Level 4

I figured it out...

I had to define the page on which the hidden subform was to present.  Rather than using just a standard conditional script such as. "if this checkbox is clicked, make this subform appear," I had to say, "make this subform on page three appear."


Level 2


I hope you don't mind, but I found this topic and used your form to explain something I wanted to do in another forum topic.  The person who helped me updated your document with new functionality.  The new enhancement eliminates the whitespace between the TAKS sections, if you happen to skip selections.  I have attached the revised form.  If you'd like to see the full text of the post, here's the link: http://forums.adobe.com/message/2387496#2387496




Level 4

I don't mind at all--in fact, I really appreciate your being able to use that form because now I have learned a very valuable technique too!  Thanks again, and good luck with that medical form--looks pretty fun to build!



Level 2

Hi Guys,

I was looking at the example posted and I'm a little confused. When I open the file in Designer, I'm not able to see the hidden subform. For example, where exactly is TAKSsubjects being called FROM? Sorry if this is a silly question, but it's a bit over my head. Any help would be appreciated.



Level 4

Hi Farah,

Sorry it has taken me a while to get back to you--holiday stuff going on.

You won't see the hidden subforms (TAKSsubjects, SpanishTAKSsubjects, etc) on the form itself because their visibility is set to "Hidden(Exclude from layout). You should see them on the Hierarchy palette on the left though. Then, of course, when you view the form as a pdf and then click on one of the TAKS options checkboxes, the appropriate subform will pop up.

Does that help, or did I completely miss the point of your question?

Warmest regards,



Level 2

Hi Jennifer, Thanks for your reply. It does help, but how can I set it so that I can see them in the layout? I see them in the Hierarchy palette now, but when I click on any of them, it flashes on the screen very fast and then I can't see anything. Thanks! Farah.


Level 4

Hi Farah,

Just temporarily change the visibility settings from "hidden" to "visible". First, in the hierarchy palette, click on the hidden subform you want to see, then move over to the right and in the object palette, change the visibility setting to visible. If two or more of the subforms are visible, then they will probably be stacked on top of each other because I believe that the version of that particular form you are looking at is an early version and I had not yet made the hidden subforms stack nicely on top of each other upon visiblilty.

May I ask if you are working with this particular form as an employee or contractor of a school district or agency?


Level 2

Thank you!

I'm really new to using subforms, so I'm still trying to figure it all out. I'm not affiliated with a school district, I'm merely using it as a tool to figure out all these functions! I often find it easier to look at a finished product and work backwards, because I have no background in programming. Thanks again for your help!


Level 4

You are very welcome!  I learn a lot from these forums. Another good resource is J.P. Terry's book, Creating Dynamic Forms with Adobe LiveCycle Designer, which I think is published by Adobe.  Good luck!

Warmest regards,



Level 2

I'm stuck!

I have hidden two subforms within my form, and I thought I wrote the code out correctly, but it doesn't seem to be pulling it up. I've attached my form here, and insight would be great.


Level 4

Hi Farah,

I brought up your form and your are correct--your script does look fine!  I have to run out to a long meeting and will not be able to poke around the form to find out what is going on, so my suggestion at this point is to post your question to the discussion board. I think that if you just post the question about why the script isn't working and attaching your form, you will get an answer quite soon.  The experts on the board always have very helpful insights.

Let me know if you do not get your problem resolved!


Level 2

You were right, someone helped me very fast! I just needed to save it as a dynamic PDF. Thanks again.


Level 2

Hi guys,

I have another question! So I've created a form where the user will click one of 6 options and subsequent sections will show up. The final form should only be ONE page, but right now, all the sections span 3 pages. When I hide the subform and try to stack them all in the space I've allocated, the subforms are changing spots in the hierarchy, so basically the second subform I add becomes a further subform of the first one added. Is there a way around this? I just want them all to occupy the same space, but not interfere with one another's place in the hierarchy. Help please!!!!!


Level 6

When you hide the subforms, make sure you set the presence to "hidden".  Setting the presence to "invisible" will hide the object, but the space that it takes up will still be allocated on the form.  "hidden" will ensure that the hidden object will not take up space on the form


Level 6

Sorry, I just went back and read the entire post trail.  Is your form set up using flowable layout, or is it using positional layout?


Level 6

If I understand your problem, then that's your issue.  When you place subforms positionally they will always show up in the document at the spot where you place them when they're made visible.  Try wrapping all of the hideable subforms within a parent subform, and set that subform to flowable layout.  That should stack any of the visible subforms within one-after-another.  You can then rearrange the child subforms in their proper hierarchical order.


Level 2

This is sounding way over my head. I'm going to have to try to figure it out another way. Thanks though.


Level 6

Maybe not - can you post your form?


Level 2

Thanks Kevin.

So on the first page, all the items should always appear, except for the area occupied by Deliver Out (Withdrawal) Information. That is the space where all the other sections on page 2/3 should occupy, based on the radio button selected in section Transaction Type.