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Form Direction _ Right-To-Left


Level 1

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a form in Arabic (Right-To-Left) on Adobe Acrobat XI Pro, when adding an item (Text Field for example), I can change the text direction on the header BUT I cannot change the direction of the item itself or locate the label on the right side of the text box, so that the whole form would appear "Right-To-Left" when I'm done with it.

Any idea if this is possible?

I want it to look like this:


Instead of this:


8 Replies


Level 4

What do you mean by "label", exactly? Form fields in Acrobat do not have such a thing. Are you adding static text next to them?


Level 1

I mean this "edit label" field



Level 4

Is this a LiveCycle Designer form?


Level 4

Or maybe FormsCentral?


Level 1

It is FormsCentral indeed!


Level 4

Are you aware that Adobe stopped the development of this website/application, and doesn't support it anymore?

I'm not sure there's an answer to your question (although I'm not that familiar with it, I must admit). From what I can see there's no RTL support in it.

I would recommend you design your forms in another application, one that offers better RTL support, like InDesign.


Level 1

I didn't know. It's already part of Acrobat XI Pro. I usually find it fast and reliable. Thanks anyway


Level 1

As try67​ mentioned, Forms Central doesn't support Arabic.

You may design your form in MS. Word or Excel then convert to PDF using Adobe PDF Maker, but I strongly recommend that you design your form in Adobe InDesign ME as it will retain all your Arabic options within the form, I personally have done many Arabic forms this way.