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Flex 2, FDS 2.5 and CF8


Former Community Member
Hi everyone,

I am starting to retract my brain from an intense 2 days to
figure out how to use Flex with Coldfusion. I am using Coldfusion 8
Beta (this part is good, don't need help for CF itself). I am also
using Flex Builder 2 (with chart but this not the topic). I
installed FDS 2.5 before to install ColdFusion 8 but I think CF8
have is own FDS or something like that... anyway, it might help to
mention it!

Well, I tried HTTPService, RemoteObject, WebSer vice -
NOTHING WORKS!!! Argh! Did I mention I spent 2 days? ;-)))

Well, I start with the basic: a login form with an email (as
a username) and a password to be validated. I have a CFC to do the
validation and return a simple message (string): "OK' when it is
valid and a custom message when it is not valid; depending if it is
the password and/or the email which is not valid.

I always got an error. Since the error is different depending
of the method I use, I will explain the latest method I used in
this message and try to concentrate on that method specifically!
The method is WebService and here is the error:


faultString:'HTTP request error'

faultDetail: 'Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError"

bubbles:false cancelable=false eventPhase=2

text="Error #2032: Stream Error .

URL: http://localhost:8501/iDashboard/login.cfc'

Any help will be very useful!!!


P.S.: I succeed to execute a HTTPService only if I call a XML
5 Replies


Former Community Member
Calling CF WebServices from Flex shouldn't involve FDS unless
you're using

the Proxy Service (which is only really needed if you can't
host your SWFs

on the same CF server or can't establish a crossdomain.xml
file). Are you

using the FDS proxy service to contact this WebService?

If so, can you look at the server console when you start up
ColdFusion and

check that there weren't any configuration errors?


Former Community Member
Hi, first, thank you for the reply - I feel lessa lone now!

I know that WebService is not require FDS as I read it and
this is partially why I do not understand why it is not working as
it is suppose to be very simple!!!

Before answer your reply, I will just say that I installa
Flex Builder 2 and than FDS 2.5 and than ColdFusion 8. I though all
the XML file for setup will be ajsuted automatically by all these
installations since I am not so familiar with "changing setup XML
file". Don't get me wrong, it is not that I do not understand XML
language but never had (since I am a ColdFusion programmer) to play
very much with those files. I understand, from all the reading I
did to learn Flex, that tose files can give confusion at some point
as Flex as is own XML and ColdFusion also. So, the bottom line is
that I did not touch the XML file and this mean that I do not use
any proxydomain.xml other than the "default" one - if any exist.

As for the ColdFusion 8 startup - I think you point to
something interesting as I got an eror. Here is the error when I
start the service through cmd.exe (I am using Windows):


ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in

ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize,

transports initialized [../../../src/share/back/debugInit.c:690]

FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP No transports initialized,


I will start to look from my side through Google what I can
find about this but if you have any hint to help me, do not
hesitate to let me know!!!

Thank you very much.


Former Community Member
Sorry, I made a mistake as the error mentioned before is not
a real error. It was an error because the service of ColdFusion 8
was not really stopped!

It has no error:


Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005

Starting Macromedia JRun 4.0 (Build 108472), coldfusion

07/12 14:36:40 warning Unable to open


07/12 14:36:41 info JRun Naming Service listening on *:2930

07/12 14:36:42 info No JDBC data sources have been configured
for this server (s

ee jrun-resources.xml)

07/12 14:36:42 info JRun Web Server listening on *:8501

07/12 14:36:42 info Deploying enterprise application
"Adobe_ColdFusion_8" from:


07/12 14:36:42 info Deploying web application "Adobe
ColdFusion 8" from: file:/C


07/12 14:36:44 INFO License Service: Flex 1.5 CF Edition

07/12 14:36:44 user JSPServlet: init

07/12 14:36:44 INFO Starting Flex 1.5 CF Edition

07/12 14:36:45 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: init

07/12 14:36:45 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion:
Starting application s


07/12 14:36:45 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: VM
version = 1.6.0_01-


07/12 14:36:45 Information [main] - Starting logging...

07/12 14:36:45 Information [main] - Starting license...

07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Invalid ColdFusion 8

07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Developer Edition enabled

07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting crypto...

07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting security...

07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting scheduler...

07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting WatchService...

07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting debugging...

07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting sql...

07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Pool Manager Started

07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - Starting mail...

07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - Starting runtime...

07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - CORBA Configuration not

07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - Starting cron...

07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - [Synchro PrivateDNS Basic
Data] has run once

before, and will not be scheduled.

07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - Starting registry...

07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - Starting client...

07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting xmlrpc...

07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting graphing...

07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting verity...

07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting archive...

07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting document...

07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting eventgateway...

07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting Event Backend

07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Initialized
EventRequestDispatcher with a Th

read Pool size of 1.

07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Initializing

07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting Event Gateways.

07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting FlexAssembler...

07/12 14:36:50 Information [main] - Starting .NET...

07/12 14:36:50 Information [main] - Starting Monitoring...

07/12 14:36:50 Information [main] - ColdFusion started

07/12 14:36:50 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion:
application services a

re now available

07/12 14:36:50 user CFMxmlServlet: init

07/12 14:36:50 user CFMxmlServlet: Macromedia Flex Build:

07/12 14:36:50 INFO Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646

07/12 14:36:52 user CFSwfServlet: init

07/12 14:36:53 user CFCServlet: init

07/12 14:36:53 user FlashGateway: init

07/12 14:36:53 user MessageBrokerServlet: init

07/12 14:36:56 user CFFormGateway: init

07/12 14:36:56 user CFInternalServlet: init

Server coldfusion ready (startup time: 19 seconds)


Former Community Member
You say you have Flex Builder 2, but is it Flex Builder 2.0.1
Hotfix 2? You

really should have this version when working with LCDS 2.5 or



Former Community Member
Some other things to check come to mind....

If your CF server is at
http://localhost:8501/... is
there a context-path

for the cf war file? If so, is it /iDashboard?

For RemoteObject or proxied HTTPService/WebService, did you
point Flex Builder

at your /WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml file with the
-services command

line compiler argument? If so, then did you remember to
specify the -context-root

command line compiler argument too as it's likely that you've
still got {context.root}

tokens in your services-config.xml channel-definition
endpoint urls, say


Also, how are you loading your SWF to view the flex
application? Does the

SWF reside on the same ColdFusion server? Remember that to
the SWF security

sandbox, a server name of "localhost" is not equivalent to
"" -

make sure you use the exact same server name in loading the
SWF and making

connections to remote servers.

If it's not the same server, you may need a crossdomain.xml
policy file.