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FileAttachments in Execute Script


Level 2

How to add attachments to generated PDF document (i.e. MainForm) and send it to a mail in a ALC process?

Here, my script below

import java.util.Map;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.lang.String;

import java.lang.StringBuilder;

import java.util.List;

import com.adobe.idp.Document;

String QUOTE = "\"";

quote( String s ) {

  return  QUOTE + s + QUOTE;


generateDDX() {

List attachList = patExecContext.getProcessDataListValue("/process_data/attachments1");

Document parentDocument = patExecContext.getProcessDataDocumentValue("/process_data/formDoc");

String documentName = parentDocument.getAttribute("basename");

final StringBuilder ddx = new StringBuilder();

final String newLine = "\n";

ddx.append( "<?xml version=" ).append( quote("1.0" ) ).append( " encoding=" ) .append( quote( "UTF-8") ).append(  "?>"  ).append( newLine );

ddx.append( "<DDX xmlns=" ).append( this.quote( "http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/" ) ).append( ">" ).append( newLine );

ddx.append( "<PDF result=" ).append( this.quote( "out.pdf" )).append( ">" ).append( newLine );

ddx.append( "<PDF source=" ).append( this.quote( "in.pdf" )  ).append(">").append( newLine );

ddx.append( "<NoForms/>" ).append( newLine );

ddx.append( "<NoXFA/>" ).append( newLine );

Map documents = new HashMap();

for (int i=0; i<attachList.size(); i++) {

Document document = (Document)attachList.get(i);

String currentFileName = document.getAttribute("basename");

ddx.append( "<FileAttachments source=" ).append( this.quote( currentFileName ) ).append(  ">" ).append( newLine );

ddx.append( "<File filename=" ).append( this.quote( currentFileName )  ).append(  "/>" ).append( newLine );

ddx.append( "<FilenameEncoding encoding=" ) .append( this.quote( "UTF-8" )  ).append(  "/>" ).append( newLine );

ddx.append( "</FileAttachments>").append( newLine );

documents.put(currentFileName, document);


patExecContext.setProcessDataMapValue("/process_data/documents", documents);

ddx.append( "</PDF>\n</PDF>\n</DDX>\n" );

patExecContext.setProcessDataStringValue( "/process_data/@AssemblerDDX", ddx.toString() );



Error Message:


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by

Hi , Could you please print the ddx in log file and check it, if its correctly build. ( paste the log snippet & build DDX in case its still not working - the image and details of error message above are not clear.) , i just tried below DDX, & its work fine for me.

Using workbench process variables, so if you are using WB execute script, below is a simple, sample script I used, where I have attachments in a list. kindly test with a simple use case like below & i hope it helps.

if there are  attachments in list,

> get the filename and mimetype ,

>put the sourceDoc in map with numeric key

> put attachmentDocs with numericKey,  appended by 1,  (so you can iterate here to append all documents of list)

> then you can build the DDX in execute script like:

import java.util.*;

import java.util.Iterator;

List mimetype = patExecContext.getProcessDataListValue("/process_data/attachmentsMimeType");

List fileNames = patExecContext.getProcessDataListValue("/process_data/attachmentsNameslist");

HashMap myMap =patExecContext.getProcessDataMapValue("/process_data/assemblerMap");

System.out.println("***** About to generate DDX***********************");

String ddx = "<DDX xmlns='http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/'>\n";

ddx += "<PDF result='finalPDF.pdf'>\n";

ddx = ddx +  "<PDF source='sourceDoc'/>\n";

for (int i=1;i<myMap.size();i++){

       ddx = ddx +  "<FileAttachments source = '" + i + "'>\n";

       ddx = ddx + "<File filename= '" +fileNames.get(i-1)+ "'  mimetype= ' " + mimetype.get(i-1) + "'/>\n";

       ddx = ddx+ "</FileAttachments>\n";


ddx = ddx + "</PDF>\n</DDX>\n";

System.out.println("***** ddx: " + ddx);

patExecContext.setProcessDataStringValue("/process_data/@ddxString ", ddx);

paste the log snippet & build DDX in case its still not working

View solution in original post

2 Replies


Correct answer by

Hi , Could you please print the ddx in log file and check it, if its correctly build. ( paste the log snippet & build DDX in case its still not working - the image and details of error message above are not clear.) , i just tried below DDX, & its work fine for me.

Using workbench process variables, so if you are using WB execute script, below is a simple, sample script I used, where I have attachments in a list. kindly test with a simple use case like below & i hope it helps.

if there are  attachments in list,

> get the filename and mimetype ,

>put the sourceDoc in map with numeric key

> put attachmentDocs with numericKey,  appended by 1,  (so you can iterate here to append all documents of list)

> then you can build the DDX in execute script like:

import java.util.*;

import java.util.Iterator;

List mimetype = patExecContext.getProcessDataListValue("/process_data/attachmentsMimeType");

List fileNames = patExecContext.getProcessDataListValue("/process_data/attachmentsNameslist");

HashMap myMap =patExecContext.getProcessDataMapValue("/process_data/assemblerMap");

System.out.println("***** About to generate DDX***********************");

String ddx = "<DDX xmlns='http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/'>\n";

ddx += "<PDF result='finalPDF.pdf'>\n";

ddx = ddx +  "<PDF source='sourceDoc'/>\n";

for (int i=1;i<myMap.size();i++){

       ddx = ddx +  "<FileAttachments source = '" + i + "'>\n";

       ddx = ddx + "<File filename= '" +fileNames.get(i-1)+ "'  mimetype= ' " + mimetype.get(i-1) + "'/>\n";

       ddx = ddx+ "</FileAttachments>\n";


ddx = ddx + "</PDF>\n</DDX>\n";

System.out.println("***** ddx: " + ddx);

patExecContext.setProcessDataStringValue("/process_data/@ddxString ", ddx);

paste the log snippet & build DDX in case its still not working