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Dynamic date fields


Level 2

I need to exert some control over fragment usage and adjustment.  I understand that you cannot "lock" fragments from editing (by other LC designer users), so to counterract this I'm looking at the possibility of inserting a control (hidden) field within a fragment, containing information such as the fragment version number (manually applied) and date/time "stamp" of save (this could be either manual or automatic). 

Then, when the fragment is used in a document, IF (and only IF) the fragment is edited, I would definitely want the date/time stamp to update, and if possible the version number to change (not so important). If the fragment is used without the content being updated, I would want the date/time stamp and version to be the same as the fragment when it was saved into the fragment library.

This allows me to extract that information to compare against the fragment library, to be able to see if updates have been made.

If anyone can help with this (or provide another more elegant solution!), I'd be really grateful!

Thank you.

1 Reply


Level 5


Each fragment that is created in Desginer gets a timestamp that is updated automatically by the program. If you look at the xml of the document you will see the timestamp at the top of the file looking something like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?xfa generator="AdobeLiveCycleDesignerES_V9." APIVersion="3.1.9277.0"?>

<xdp:xdp xmlns:xdp="http://ns.adobe.com/xdp/" timeStamp="2011-06-13T13:35:49Z">

As for the version number, I think updating it automatically would be the easiest option.

