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Conversion between ASObject and custom Java object


Level 1

I have Java Enterprice Application with BlazeDS installed there and Flash client (created in pure Flash -not Flex). Now I want to send my custom Java object over the wire.

On The java side i have method:


public void echo1(Dupa dupa){






On the Flash side:


var myDupa:Dupa = new Dupa();

myDupa.dup = "www";

var rooms:Object = remoteObject.echo1(myDupa);


Where object's 'Dupa' definition is:



package test;

public class Dupa {

     public String dup;





package test {



public class Dupa {

      public var dup:String;




And I always receives error:


[FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString="Cannot invoke method 'echo1'." faultCode="Server.ResourceUnavailable" faultDetail="The expected argument types are (test.Dupa) but the supplied types were (flex.messaging.io.amf.ASObject) and converted to (null)."] messageId="2EEB750E-240E-9AE3-9AE4-284E56C81B89" type="fault" bubbles=false cancelable=true eventPhase=2]


When i change me Java method signature to:

public String echo2(flex.messaging.io.amf.ASObject test){...}

Everything work fine. But it this situation I have ASObject which i have to convert to test.Dupa.

The question is:

How can i force Flash to convert sent content to my custom object (test.Dupa)?

If its not possible, how can I convert ASObject object to test.Dupa (or whatever I want).

Thx fo replies.

4 Replies



Looks like RemoteClass tag did not have any effect. Can you try the following: Within the Dupa AS class, decare a constructor and explictly call the flash.net.registerClassAlias("test.Dupa", test.Dupa) in it.



Level 1

It helped! Thank You very much.

But there is another question (or two):

     Why the "RemoteClass" metadata is not recognized by the Flash Player?

     Do I need some import statement in my AS class or some liberaries are missing?

And there is another one problem. Everything work fine for this function call:

     var rooms:Object = remoteObject.echo1(myDupa);

But for this function call:

var rooms:Dupa = remoteObject.echo1(myDupa);

I receives this error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert mx.rpc::AsyncToken@2708d041 to test.Dupa.

It means, in my opinion, that received object's type is :AsyncToken. How can i get my Dupa object from it.



If you are not using Flex, then the hooks are not executed.

Tom Jordahl



The Flex compiler ultimately converts the metadata tags into AS code during compilation. In case of [RemoteClass], it rougly gets converted to the what I wrote in my earlier response.

As regards the second question, here you can get access to the result of the RemoteObject.

var token:AsyncToken = remoteObject.echo1(myDupa);

token.addAsyncResponder(resultFunc, faultFunc));

public function resultFunc(r:ResultEvent, t:Object = null) {

      room = r.result as Room;


public function faultFunc(f:FaultEvent, t:Object = null) {


