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Calculating percentages


Level 4

Hi, I have created a form in Adobe LiveCycle 8, and it has a lot of calculations.  I have several questions regarding this.  I am using the FormsCal.  Here is the first calculation:



= DerivationofCostProposal.Table3.Row1.TotalLabor * DerivationofCostProposal.Table3.Row1.TotalPercentage

What I need here is to be able to put 25% in this field "DerivationofCostProposal.Table3.Row1.TotalPercentage" and then have it calculate in the Total Column.

Is there a way to be able to put 25% in the field and make it calculate rather than .25?  Right now I have the field as a Numeric Field.  Regardless of how I put the percentage in (25% or .25) I need the same field to not round up or down, but display the actual number entered.  Right now, if I use .25, it enters as a "0".  Is there a way to do this?

The second problem I have is this.  Here is the last calculation, and again I'm using FormsCal.

  I have a FixFeeTotal column, with the calculations as


= DerivationofCostProposal.Table6.Row1.TotalLabor + DerivationofCostProposal.Table6.Row1.TotalOverhead * DerivationofCostProposal.Table6.Row1.Percentage;

The problem with this script is that it's not calculating correctly.  I want TotalLabor + Total Overhead * Percentage.

Can someone help me with this or can you see what I'm doing wrong?  I also need to write this as 25% rather .25 - the same as the first problem above.



2 Replies



Sorry but this is the wrong forum (LiveCycle "Collaboration Services"). You should post your question to the LiveCycle "form" forum.


Level 4

Oh I'm sorry.  Will go that forum.  Thanks.
